Idle thoughts


Registered User
Why did the sandwich need to be "invented" - was it not sort of obvious?

Is it just me or does the term "amusements" sound quaintly Victorian?

Is the design of the clothes peg not due an overhaul at this stage - it's barely changed in a century - surely there is a better way of doing this?

The clothes peg has been redesigned. :)


I wonder what we would be eating if the guy who invented the sandwich had been called something else....or been somewhere else at the time (can't remember which)

Or if rugby had been invented somewhere else would the guys now be playing Eaton or Windsor...doesn't have the same ring to it.

And what if the guy who invented the toilet wasn't called Crapper??? would we all be going for a Smith or a Jones ??:confused:
Why did the sandwich need to be "invented" - was it not sort of obvious?

Many say it was "invented" by the Earl of Sandwich, an enthusiastic card player who refused to stop playing to have dinner, instead asking that the kitchen staff brought him out slices of meat & bread. Others liked the idea when they saw it, and said "I'll have what Sandwich is having".

Is it just me or does the term "amusements" sound quaintly Victorian?
Yep, the first amusement stalls were part of country fairs (or markets)

Is the design of the clothes peg not due an overhaul at this stage - it's barely changed in a century - surely there is a better way of doing this?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

(I'm clearly as busy as you are today!)
Many say it was "invented" by the Earl of Sandwich, an enthusiastic card player who refused to stop playing to have dinner, instead asking that the kitchen staff brought him out slices of meat & bread. Others liked the idea when they saw it, and said "I'll have what Sandwich is having".

I heard it was because he loved hunting and wanted to eat 'on the trot' as it were. Yes, aware of the supposed origins alright but it just doesn't seem like something that needed to be invented to me. I thought it would have been a fairly natural thing to do - they must have been very unimaginative in those days. I can just imagine the scene as the Earl calmly places his chicken or whatever between two slices of bread:

"Good God man what are you doing? Have you taken leave of your senses - what manner of heathen unearthly culinary practice are you attempting? - Hold him down Braithwaite! He has clearly become feeble minded!"

I want a new type of clothes peg anyway. Just for the sake of it.
I can just imagine the scene as the Earl calmly places his chicken or whatever between two slices of bread:

"Good God man what are you doing? Have you taken leave of your senses - what manner of heathen unearthly culinary practice are you attempting? - Hold him down Braithwaite! He has clearly become feeble minded!"

Lol...thanks to you my desk is now covered in coffee !!
I hope you're pleased with yourself !!!
Who first looked at what comes out of a cow's teat and thought "I'll have some of that!"

Ditto...a chicken's backside.

If quizzes are quizzical...what are tests?

And no, I didn't think of them first..but I'm still pondering them. :D
Who first looked at what comes out of a cow's teat and thought "I'll have some of that!"

Well I can understand that given that they would have seen baby cows drinking away happily.

What I wonder is - how did anyone up with the idea of cooking? What made someone think 'oooh - ill roast this over an open fire, tasty!'.
Who first looked at what comes out of a cow's teat and thought "I'll have some of that!"

Ditto...a chicken's backside.

If quizzes are quizzical...what are tests?

And no, I didn't think of them first..but I'm still pondering them. :D

The late Pat Ingoldsby once asked " What exactly was the fella at, when he discovered that you could milk a cow?"
jaysus, you dont eat what comes out a chicken's backside do you?? :eek: ;)
Jasus, I thought the same as you at first. Then when I sat down to my 2.873 minute boiled egg ........ al was revealed:). I think Bubbly Scot meant "a hen's behind".
Jasus, I thought the same as you at first. Then when I sat down to my 2.873 minute boiled egg ........ al was revealed:). I think Bubbly Scot meant "a hen's behind".

Oooppps! :eek: that's what I meant! :eek:

Hope you enjoyed your egg!
Late? To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of his death are greatly exaggerated (I hope).

I am delighted and chastened in equal measure.
Don't know where I got the idea that he was no longer with us.
My sincerest apologies to Pat.