idle money


scooby doo

hi, iv €1000 sitting in my boi current account doing nothing for me. i also have up to €30 spare left over from my part time work. can anyone direct me to do something with this money. i would be willing to put it away long term and i would be wiling to invest to

Depending on your appetite for risk-taking with your cash, you could consider buying shares or ETFs with it. Or you could buy into a range of managed funds from €100 each by opening an online account with Rabo.

I'm sure if you do searches on these on Askaboutmoney, you'll see plenty of discussions on the pros and cons of any of them.
Do you have any debts? If so you might be better off using spare money to reduce these first.
Have you already applied for the Credit interest on your current account on balances up to €1500?

[broken link removed]

I think that is about 10%.
hi i should have said my account was a student account. i do hav a debt but im already paying that off weekly so that out of the way. (loan from my mother).
is there alot of work involved with going into shares and the like