Identifying mushrooms


Registered User
Does anyone know of a good website or book for identifying mushrooms. We have the typical new development boggy back garden, and we have the occasional sprouting of mushrooms. I'd like to find out what they are in case they're dangerous to the fledgling. I have a habit of picking and binning them as soon as they come up, but would like to know just how vigilant I need to be.
I found this very comprehensive in my mushroom hunting days in College, it has excellent pictures.

I know how that reads but it was for a research project, I was not looking for (these!)
Website of Roger Philips

I went on a Mushroom hunt in a forest recently.

The Mantra of the day was:

If you can't identify it - don't eat it.

LBMs (Little Brown Mushrooms) are to be avoided in general.

polaris said:
I know how that reads but it was for a research project, I was not looking for (these!)
Why not? They're free, legal (in unprocessed form) and good fun if you take the necessary precautions...
Most mushrooms are simply unpleasant to eat and would be spat out immediately. There are very few posionous mushrooms in Ireland. You could check with one of the hospitals who specialise in poisons, but deaths in Ireland from mushroom poisoning are extremely rare and serious illnesses are very rare as well.

Most of the myclologists are very helpful. You could email or call Howard Fox in the Botanic Gardens and I would guess that he would probably support what I have said.

Seagull - if you garden was ever used as a toilet by domestic pets then you (or, at least, your child(ren)) might have more to worry about from toxoplasmosis than mysterious mushrooms.
That may well be true, but at least I know the ins and outs of taxoplasmosis. I know very little about mushrooms.