Identify qualifications ?


Registered User
How would I establish the precise qualifications of a person who drew plans of a building.
The person name who drew up the plans are printed in the bottom right hand corner.-- with the folowing words.
" Architural & Planning Consultants" thats exactly how it spelt, with no letters following the name. just telephone and fax numbers.

If they really wrote "Architural (sic) & Planning Consultants", I'd be pretty wary...

If you've engaged or are thinking of engaging their services, why not just ask to see their qualifications?
" Architural & Planning Consultants" thats exactly how it spelt
Looking on google it seems "Architural" is commonly subbed for Architectural. Can't find it on Wiki but doesn't mean it isn't a common substitution.
"Architect" should be RIAI ( accredited, although legally anyone can call themselves an Architect at the moment as it is not a protected title.

"Planning Consultants" should be registered with the relavent town planning institute, [broken link removed] (UK) Or in Ireland the IPI (