Ideas for what to do as a Hobby


Registered User
I have recently realised that I don't have a hobby per say. I have lots of male friends who all seem to have a hobby but my female friends don't.
I'd like to find something to get into as an interest.
I work shift so have found it hard to joins clubs - I am a member in a hill walking club but miss more outings then make due to work and the same with wine tasting club.
I like swimming, cinema going, theatre and lots of other stuff but would love something I can get stuck into even at home for an hour or so a day.
Any suggestions please.
Gardening? Painting? Musical instrument? Choir? Open University? Walking with friends? Cycling?

My issue is that I work shift work. I have joined sports teams before but end up missing training sessions and matches which looks bad. I am in the middle of a masters which I will finish next May and that will keep me busy during term time but I find I am wasting hours during the summer months.
Would love perhaps a drama/musical group - does anyone know of one in north Kildare/south Meath/west Dublin area?
PS dimaer was that an offer - are you looking for a partner?
Maybe you could take up golf. You could play, practice etc. whenever it suited you and you wouldn't have to join a club. It could be as flexible as your working/studying hours.

And spending a half hour at the driving range can do wonders for body and soul!
Would you believe it that I have a fine set of clubs and never use them. I have never really given it a go. I wouldn't mind but I have an all ireland medal for hockey so should have a great swing!