Ideas for organising a school reunion


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I am organising a school reunion for 2011 when we will be 25 years out of school.

Has anyone attended/organised such an event? What was your experience?

I plan to set up a website and Facebook page to highlight the event and write to local newspapers a 2 or 3 months before the date.

I'd like to oranise a meal/BBQ in a hotel plus have a commemorative souvenir for everyone (maybe a pen/t-shirt/framed photo?). What do you think?

Also, one former classmate died tragically 5 or 6 years ago. It would be nice to do something in his memory. Any suggestions?

My hope is that I will open a bank account ant leftover money will go to a charity.

Thanks in advance.
One thought comes to mind ..... get others in with you and keep accounts/expenditure etc. in order just to cover yourself.
Organisers put up pictures of all the classes on the wall - what a sight to behold ! In fairness, there were loads of people cringeing at the photos and how much people had changed.

Local caterers provided food to our reunion, 20 or 25 euro per ticket. Had disco too.

Wasn't sure what to expect but it was a great night. Some teachers turned up too,
hi when i went to my own school reunion we received the below
we use to have a monthly student magazine and this was re created for the evening with articles from past pupils etc....

we also received a dvd in the goodie bag that was made up of music from the year we left school ,pictures and a video of the school

it was a really nice gift to receive and treasure
I was one of the organisers of our ten year school reunion last summer.
We kept it very relaxed and low cost (most of our schoolmates now at stage of getting married/ having babies so low cost was key to getting people to attend).
Sent out invitations around three months in advance, we asked people to RSVP by text or email and told everyone it would cost €10 each, but didn't need any money in advance.
We also asked people to email old funny pics and stories. On the night, we had a big presentation of old photos, concert tickets, timetables, etc going on a loop on a projector all night. We also had a big banner and lots of pictures posted up around the room. We just had finger food and piped music from the pub upstairs. (We rented the function room downstairs.)

There was a bit of an issue as to whether to invite partners or not, so we didn't specify either way on the invitations, but only 3-4 people brought partners...more brought them along at the end of the night.

Was a really great night, everyone seemed to really enjoy it, and the relaxed, no fuss atmosphere added to it. I think had we to make it a formal meal in a hotel with advance booking and all that, it would have turned people off or made it less fun.

Money was an issue, 2 of us did all the spending, and with charging everyone €10 on the way, expected to make a profit at the end of the night, but we actually ended up making a loss..was only about €30 loss so not a big deal, but still a good idea to keep an eye on costs. Printing, posting, envelopes, decorations, etc all add up!

Good luck with it!! I'm sure it'll be a great success!