Ideas for healthy meals that freeze / reheat well

Plek Trum

Registered User
Hi all,

relative returning home from hospital today and I want to help out by making a few dinners / meals that I can portion, store in their freezer and they can reheat when required. I'm not too inspired by the kitchen (!) so if anyone can recommend a few receipes with links that would be MUCH appreciated.

Im thinking along the lines of
(1) Chicken casserole
(2) Shepherds Pie
(3) Beef stew

ALL help and advice appreciated. If they didnt have to be defrosted first that would be a huge bonus too.. thanks!
Pasta Bake, Lasagne, any meat and rice dish (with sauce)? any sort of pie i suppose?
Buns and muffins freeze really well. I use them for kid's lunch boxes. nice for a snack