Ideas for 18th birthday present?


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Just wondering if anyone had any innovative ideas for an 18th birthday present (male). Suggestions for strippers ruled out (by his mother) and similarly for a car (by myself)! Any other ideas welcomed.....

I went for a (small, cheap!) car for my daughter - from my perspective it's a practical present as well.
I went for a (small, cheap!) car for my daughter - from my perspective it's a practical present as well.

OMG times have changed....remember going out for a meal and getting enough money for a few pints and was happy as larry!
Just wondering if anyone had any innovative ideas for an 18th birthday present (male). Suggestions for strippers ruled out (by his mother) and similarly for a car (by myself)! Any other ideas welcomed.....


deposit for a flat? :rolleyes:
I'd suggest 18 scratch cards, but it seems a bit mean compared to the above suggestions!
Must be a favourite child ;)

Sounds like overkill to me - but then I wasn't lucky enough to get something that substantial!

Personally I wouldn't mind a car, I certainly wouldn't mind an apartment ;), I woudln't say no to a good holiday - or a 'voucher' perhaps, and a wad of cash wouldn't be turned away either!

Anything is a bonus - one thing though, whatever you do get it would be a good idea to have some 'instant gratification' item thrown in aswell (esp. if giving cash or a voucher) - perhaps a ps3 and a top of the range HD-tv for the bedroom.
So what are they interested in?
Something that lasts is better like a musical instrument if they play, an MP3 player or any gadget like a camera.
A laptop maybe, especially if heading into an IT course or the like in college.
A premiership match in the new season would be great, get them the jersey too.
Mondello has a days driving too.

Listen to what he talks about, its all really in what he is interested in.

Oh and ask any siblings for ideas.