ID Design - A good bitch

Re: Sick and Tired

Has anyone thought about sending an email to ID Design including this link?

Never dealt with them by the way.
Id design

don't get me started with this crowd!! do not buy anything from them
We went one day in July and they were having a sale and we saw a leather chair for a good price so we decided to buy it along with a couch that wasn't in stock but we were promised a 4 -6 week delivery. Me in my stupidness paid in full and they insisted that the delivery had to be done straight away - arranged it for Tuesday evening. Tuesday - no chair. Call on Wednesday - no reply. Eventually get through and find out no delivery arranged at all. Eventually got chair after much calling and arranging on the Saturday (the day we originally asked for the delviery anyway).
We wait 4 - 6 weeks for couch - no sign of couch. We call - no reply, we fax, no reply, we email no reply. Eventually get through to someone in deliveries who looks up our order and says that the couch and the chair were delivered back in July - I said ehhh, no. So he says that is was never ordered and that a manager would call us back. No call. My husband calls and has to explain everything again. Still no couch. I call my sister who lives near there and she goes in and gets snotty with them and they agree to call us the next day to deliver the couch. No call - I call again and have to explain everything AGAIN!!! We get a call on Saturday to say our couch will arrive on Monday - Monday comes and no couch. So I call and get snotty again - eventually get couch and then it doesn't fit through the door!!! we get it in through the back door. I will never go near them again - nice furniture, pity about the staff, customer services and delivery services.
Have had better experiences with Harvey Normans and Classic furniture and a little shop in Tallaght called Old Bawn furniture.

I could not handle all that , to all above, sorry to hear about your misofrtunes, personaaly i owuld just sue the sods.

This post and the previous posts regarding problems with Foko leaves an opening for a quality furniture retailer who can deliver what is ordered when they say they will deliver with a minimum of fuss and at a great price.
Hmmm...Let me think

4 letter word starting with I and ending with KEA!
Re: re

4 letter word starting with I and ending with KEA!

I give up. Who?
Re: cc

We had v good service with Meadows and Byrne..
Re: cc

IKEA don't deliver.

They do have seperate contractors who deliver, though. You still need to physically wheel your trolley up to the shippers, unless things have changed recently.

I have used them a good few times and found their does-what-it-says-on-the-carton approach just the thing needed. Keeps costs down and quality up. Just need to watch out and bear relative costs in mind. If they have something particularly cheap it's normally because it is deisgned to be worn out. Their mid-price stuff (which we have for a good few years now) is good quality and a lot cheaper than a lot of stuff on offer here in Ireland.


I the groceries order being changed to allow IKEA enter this market under the terms they want i.e. store size? They would really shake things up from a service point of view. I thought that the cap on square footage was preventing them from setting up here but then does anybody know the square footage of Tesco in Clarehall?

Quite correct.
Ikea don't deliver themselves but all you have to do, as you say is wheel the stuff up to the counter and a couple of days later it's on your doorstep.

IKEA had a stand at the Ideal Homes exhibition in Belfast for the second time but it was on last month
(aaagh, forgot it was on!).
Noticed on the website
you could have ordered off the stand and they would have delivered to Dublin!
They also had the new 2005 catalogue.
ID Design

Same issue as previous posters, paid deposit for table/chairs, no delivery with MD...
IPhone rings out, no web-site or email (that I can Find)
A family member has just informed me that they are taking legal action in order to secure payment for unpaid bills !!!
Lets hope it is nothing but a cash flow problem
ID Design - My 3 Month Ordeal

Not going to say much except it took me three months, numerous telephone calls, faxes & emails before I got a replacement for a faulty sofa no apologies, explanations nothing!
Re: ID Design

Article in the Tribune (I think it was the trib anyway) yesterday on this ... apparently it's all got too much for them .. the staff were getting death threats from irate customers missing their sofas

They've decided to close their doors for a week to sort out the backlog was pretty much the gist of the article ... Apparently everyone who ordered somethign and hadn't had it delivered yet would be getting a call this week

Too good to be true ? Will the doors open again next week .. ?
Re: ID Design - My 3 Month Ordeal

Joe Duffy RTE Radio had 2 women on complaining this morning about how they've lost 1200 Euro and 400 Euro deposits and can't get their goods. Company won't return phone calls. One women in particular talked to "somebody who looked like he was involved with the company" and the person just laughed at her when she asked for her deposit back!
According to Joe Duffy this is the 2nd company in the same premises to "halt" trading. Does anybody expect it to reopen?
Always pay for the goods by CREDIT CARD, at least then you have comeback with the Credit Card Company.
Re: ID Design

I would be very, very worried about any retail company which shuts its doors. It is cutting off its own oxygen supply (i.e. new customers/income).
Re: ID Design - My 3 Month Ordeal

We are waiting on a chest of drawers that are 3 weeks late-not too long, but I'm not holding my breath after what I've read here! Lesson I have learned is to search AAM before I buy off anyone who I haven't used before. Have e-mailed 'MD-Frank' and got a reply, he also included his mobile number (not wise in my view) and I will be happy to post these if anyone is having difficulty reaching the errant Scandanavians! If Ikea is anything like this, they can stay at home! No-one anwswering phone or customer service e-mail at ID Design due to store closure for refurbishment (???). I live nearby, so I might pop around for a look at the weekend to see if they are telling the truth.
Re: ID Design

There was more in the Tribune this Sunday not very optimistic at all ... basically saying that the Landlord had repossesed the store and the company was effectively closed ... Said if you paid by c.card contact your card company .. if you paid any other way join the queue of creditors

BTW - "European Living" which used to be in Blanchardstown is now open on the Kylemore Rd. in Ballyfermot - They seem to mainly stock the BO Concept stuff (unfortunate name) which previously occupied the ID Design space in Swords
Re: ID Design - My 3 Month Ordeal

Ikea are nothing like any other shop and the sooner they open up here the better.
At least the consumer will have a choice and can vote with their feet and then all these shops that "pretend" to trade
will soon disappear. You buy the items there and then from Ikea, not wait "4-6 weeks". What you see is what you get!
These were Bo Concept before

These guys were Bo Concept before. I recognized a few of the staff were the same when they changed to ID Design and they stocked Bo Concept furniture. Not having learned a lesson from some friends who got stung with Bo Concept, i stupidly paid a deposit of €1000 on some furniture that was on sale thinking that this couldnt happen again.

I believe ID Design and Bo Concept are one and the same and that they will do this scam over and over again.

What are my options having paid the deposit by Credit Card?
Re: ID Design - My 3 Month Ordeal

Ring the CC company and explain what has happened.
You will be asked to send in a letter and enclose all receipts etc. The CC company is jointly liable with the shop so if the shop goes bust before you get your goods, the CC company will repay you in full.