anyone gotton out of the fixed rate with them?
Previous posters have reported very large penalties to get out. Don't think any were ICS though.
whats the likelhood of interest rates going up?
Most people think they will stay low for a while. But most people though house prices would never fall ,so you never know.
why are rates low now?
Recession, credit crisis.
we thought with a recession rates go up like in the 80;s, If I remember correctly there was high inflation in 80s , but now we are looking at deflation. Some people do say that high inflation will kick in soon, but I don't agree.
so thoguht we were being sensible,
You were, you protected yourself against high inflation / interest rates. Like car insurance , just because you don't crash doesn't mean the money was wasted.
but we are paying 400euro more per month than a variable.
That's the price of the insurance.
what would you do, stay with it, or try to get out of it?
I would try and get out , but I suspect the bank won't be too keen.