Ice bath

I use a friends bath after I run, they have a very deep well and the water is feckin freezin!
ZEGAR said:
What exactly are the benefits of this ?

Was wondering this myself, is it to close off pores after excercising or something? All I know is I won't be doing it, Ireland's cold enough at the best of times, wouldn't want to inflict further misery!
I did an xmas morning swim once .There was snow piled on the banks of the river and as I hit the water I lost the ability to breath and scream.... It felt good afterwards though
I use it to take down inflammation in my leg after a run - I injured my back last year thereby causing problems with swelling in my right leg - basically saves me from having to take anti-inflams. I believe Sonya O'Sullivan stands in a stream near her house after her training!
Just convinced me even more not to bother going for my planned power walk later! And there was me hoping it would rain! No seriously, fair play to you guys for sticking it, I have no willpower! If it's good enough for Sonya...
yea, i do it sometimes after rugby. Not for the faint hearted though sitting **** naked into a vat of cold water. In my club its just water with disinfectant that they use.
If you are in the cold bath in Thomand Park i think that you can be unlucky and have a new batch of ice drop onto you!

Some GAA team up the country that won a county last year thanked the local butchers during the acceptance speech for supplying ice throughout the year.

Speaking from personal experiecne it defo reduces stiffness, cramping, lactic acid etc.
Played a hard match last weekend (ground rock hard and heat contributed), had an ice bath for the first time and found the benefits quite remarkable as regards recovery time, ie, I would have been sore for up to 3 days after the game but felt fine about 24hrs later. I got the idea from that very BBC link posted above. I created the bath at home by filling it with cold water and got missus car to throw in the prepared ice bags about 20 mins before I got home. Not always practical to do that though. Im sure Im going to rethink the idea come december.
'hot and cold' treatment has been known for years for injury.

the old man was running marathons fifteen years ago and, in the training process, was dipping the feet and ankles in between hot water and ice cold water.

only gym i know of, which i used to me a member of, is total fitness on the malahide road. it doesn't have 'ice baths', but it does have a plunge pool outside the sauna and steam room that is so cold that the first time i jumped into it i thought all my internal organs were going to collapse!!!! it is really cold, though maybe thats just coming from the heat of the sauna/steam room, but the first few times it is really shocking.

have been in several different gyms over the years and never come across anything as severe as the plunge pool in total fitness on the malahide road.
Stops the lactic acid building up in the muscles,which causes the cramps the next day.
Westwood Gym in leopardstown has a plunge pool - Not quiet ice cold - but cold enough to shock most of the time!
Iveagh Fitness Centre off Patrick St. Dublin 8 had one a coule of years ago...can't say for sure if its still there!
thewatcher said:
Stops the lactic acid building up in the muscles,which causes the cramps the next day.

So does eating a banana! Oriental philosophy/religions believe that you should finish your daily hot shower/bath by rinsing the body with cold water. It apparently rebalances the body's energy (chi).