ICB report - can someone explain?


Registered User
After recently being refused a credit card balance transfer onto tesco credit cards , I requested my ICB report to see what the problem is. Now, my ICB report appears perfect, it lists all my borrowings, past and present, and shows them all up to date.

One question I do have, is for my old Bank of scotland mortgage it shows under payment history Most recent 24 payments : and then payments 1-24 - My payment tick marks only start at 18 and through to 24 where it was cleared. Now this is the correct number of payments i.e. I only had the mortgage 6 months and then cleared it - but under payments 1-18 it shows "-" which stands for "No information available". My current mortgage which ive had 3 months lists "Most recent 3 payments" and 1-3 ticked fine. Could these blank marks be affecting my credit ... or is it just that Tesco credit cards think I have enough loans to be coping with?

Another question I have is that it lists what financial institutions accessed your records and when. It shows for example BOS checking me on 9th feb and again on 6th march. This was all for one application, so should they really have been checking it twice?? Doesnt it effect your rating the more times they access you? Also, AIB have checked me numerous times and ive no idea for what...i havent applied for anything with aib to my knowledge and under branch name it says "Telebank". Can anyone shed any light on this?
I got a tesco credit card about 2 years ago and was unable to pay it back, a debt collector company acting on their behalf offered me a reduced amount if I paid the credit card back.
I paid the amount they requested and when I saw my ICB report Tesco have an outstanding amount on the credit card. Even though it has been settled at the agreed amount it looks like I still owe them the money (I know I do) but I thought if you paid the settlement fee there should be something on the report stating that its settled - or am I wrong?????

I had a problem like that on a BOI car loan - they simply stopped updating it about 6 months before it was cleared so it looked as if it was never paid off - as I had about a year of late payments (since I had fallen behind and couldn't catch up) I found it extremely difficult to get credit. I got in touch with BOI and after 2 weeks they changed the balance to zero and put in paid in full and the cleared date, afterwards it became a lot easier. Generally they are legally obliged to change the information if you can prove it is incorrect.

However if you settle for even a cent less than the original amount it shouch say so on your ICB report and this, I'm afraid, will stay on it until 5 years after you "settled" with them. This is just one reason why it is better to clear in full rather than make a settlement for less than the full payment. They don't tell you that of course.