ICB credit report.



Hi All, I recieved a credit report from the Irish Credit Bureau which contained no repayments history for my two credit cards. Does this mean my credit card repayments history will not be taken into account if I apply to a bank for a loan? How else to banks track people's financial past?
Was there NO info on your credit cards? I got my report a while back & it showed the limit on mycard & balance at a few different points in time.

If it's not there, then the bank you apply to for the loan only know what you tell them. They'll probably look at your bank statements too.
Yes moneyhoney no info at all on either card, which I thought was very strange. I had missed a fair few payments on both cards too. Anyone else have similar reports?
JDN - interesting post. I assumed anything current would be on your report? no?

i did an ICB search on myself only recently. It showed up only 2 loans with my bank. nothing on it about my credit card or my mortgage or any previous loans? I only did it because i wanted to see what it was basically (only cost €6).. dissappointing in one sense because if i ever did go for large loan again it doesnt really do me much justice. Admittedily there was no black marks against me but... you know...

Dont want to step on your Thread JDN, just looking to jump on the bandwagon. can anyone advise?

same thing with me, no sign of my mortgage at all but I think I may have an idea how that happened. On the online form it asks for Main Forename & Middle name, which I supplied. My mortgage, which is the only debt at my current address, is addressed to me as <Forename> <Middle name> <Surname> and although I had supplied both they decided that wasn't enough and asked me for proof of residence. I duly sent them a bill and for good measure a mortgage statement and they duly sent me back a report without any details relating to my current address.

It isn't particularly clear from their website but when I looked on the report they had only done searches on
<Forename> <Surname> - (which returned some results)
<Middlename> <Surname> - (which returned nothing)

despite the obvious (to me) implications of the word Middle name, they listed no searches on
<Forename> <Middlename> <Surname> at any address

They do have an option to add more forenames, middle names and surnames and I think that the only way to get around their lazy approach may be to add a forename of <Forename><Middlename> and probably any initials as well (e.g. <Forename><M> and <F><M>) as they do not seem to have the same, pretty universal, understanding of "Middle" that the rest of us share.
yes there seems to be no leeway with this. Im no expert.. but.. My belief is unless you have word for word info, then it wont search properly. my full name is not your average every day name. i thought if anything my full name and date of birth would show any transactions related to myself. obviously not.
Hi guys,

I rang the ICB this morning and they said that both Bank of Ireland and AIB (who I have my CCs with) only send the ICB details of revoked cards. So if you have missed a few payments they will not show up on your ICB report. Maybe its the same for other loans? I suppose the lenders cut down on paper work by only sending the ICB info on large loans or people who persistantly miss repayments on smaller ones.

They also said that your first name, surname name and date of birth is all they need to bring up all data submitted to them from lenders.

Thanks for the replies,
just to add..

i noticed on mine that AIB accessed my ICB twice in the month of May? i havent got around to calling them yet and asking why..
They also said that your first name, surname name and date of birth is all they need to bring up all data submitted to them from lenders

Then if that is the case they have not done their job for me. They had all those details and more and they definitely did not bring up everything - the glaring absence of a mortgage is a fairly sizeable one when they picked up a fully repaid (on time with every payment as well) loan several years ago. I think I will bend their ears a little bit. Like I said, their own report clearly stated the searches they had performed
<Firstname> <Surname>
<Middle Name> <Surname>
and did not list
<Firstname> <Middle Name> <Surname>

I'll ask them why and see what they say.
Then if that is the case they have not done their job for me. They had all those details and more and they definitely did not bring up everything - the glaring absence of a mortgage is a fairly sizeable one when they picked up a fully repaid (on time with every payment as well) loan several years ago. I think I will bend their ears a little bit. Like I said, their own report clearly stated the searches they had performed
<Firstname> <Surname>
<Middle Name> <Surname>
and did not list
<Firstname> <Middle Name> <Surname>

I'll ask them why and see what they say.

let us know the outcome. i`d be interested to see what happens. might give them a call myself then. as i said my full name is quite unusual. I dont think theres many around with my name so it should have shown up alot more...
Well I rang them and one annoyed ICB person later established that apparently their report is misleading. According to what she said they do search <Firstname> <Middlename> <Surname> but she seemed to think I was asking something stupid when I pointed out that they do not report any such search. I think I finally got across to her my point that by their not reporting the search I have no way of knowing that they have performed it short of their verbal assurances and as I expected something to turn up I had a valid reason to be dubious that it wasn't performed. Think I will still test the system with another request though - out of curiousity to see if the result changes if I change the input parameters!! I did request that they correct their reporting and I think she finally accepted that I do have a point but she might have just been humouring me :)
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Did mine recently, came up blank report even though ive a mortgage - not in default or anything. As i'm submitting an application for funds for selfbuild project, i was just checking myself out.I was not worried, as I assumed if I got a clean report on myself, then any other financial institute would get same so didnt care what protocol they used in ICB. Is the latter assumption a safe one? Agree with so-crates completely that search methodology hould be transparent.
Like you I was just checking myself out, I wasn't expecting any issues but was curious to see what the banks see. I had one other loan on mine (which was fully paid years ago), no defaults, no lates, all "tickety-boo" as English ladies of a certain age would say, basically good news shows up as well as bad. According to the ICB person the mortgage (also no problems anticipated) may not be registered yet - given that I have had it for two years it seems a big oversight so I am contacting my mortgage provider (Ulster Bank before you ask) to confirm that it has been registered with ICB, if they say it has I am going to check the addresses to ensure that the one I submit is exactly as the one the bank has used and contact the ICB again. There is no harm in contacting the ICB and checking to see if they can find it while you are on the phone.