I want to move banks



Hi Guys

Is there anyone out there that can help I need to find cheap banking, I have a mortage with BOI and also a current ac with them but it's conflicting weather I should put the two into the one bank. Ulster Bank seem to have the best current Acount rates and bank of Scotland the best mortage deals.... I don't want to borrow any money I am happly poor and could not afford any more fee's and Boi are screwing me every chance they get!! please has anyone and sound advice

Sinead the maid
Hi Sinead,

Well i bank with AIB myself have a current a/c with them etc. They have free banking for personal customers provided you complete one internet banking transaction and one laser transaction every quarter which wouldnt be hard really. Friends of mine who ahve moved to Ulster bank have regretted the move for one reason or another!


Several banks now offer fees free current accounts ( with minimal conditions ) such as AIB as mentioned or [broken link removed].
Check out the other threads on NIB mortgage - currently best offer in market - especially if you have a low Loan to Value ratio. I currently bank with NIB and enjoy free banking - without having conditions such as "must make one laser transaction etc". So can keep both with one whilst ensuring is at least as cheap as all the others

PermTSB also good free account, not sure on mortgage offerings.

Int Rates on Current accounts are all not worth considering, difference is negligible. AIB's online service does offer a handy savings account option, so you can keep surplus cash in a higher interest account and transfer easily to the current....

There should be no problem having current account and mortgage in the one bank - don't see why there would be. It can also be of help to build up a relationship with one bank, so long as they know that you also shop around and aren't staying with them purely through inertia.

BoI also offer free banking, but I think you have to have a credit balance. Before going to the hassle of changing banks (and it is a bit of a hassle, though equally can be well worth doing), check whether you qualify for free banking (i.e. whether you're regularly using overdraft facilities or not, and whether you use online / phone banking), and if you do, then register for it immediately. If you don't qualify on the basis of overdraft, check overdraft interest rates on current account offers, as these may ultimately determine how hard you're hit for charges.

My other half banks with Ulster Bank and has found it sometimes very frustrating - they closed the account down once when they shut a branch, and transferred the balance to another account *without letting OH know*! - and messed around with a savings account as well.

I bank with BoI and have found them reasonably good, and both quite flexible and remarkably cheap when I've needed bridging or guaranteed draw facilities.