I thought open banking would allow us to download transactions to budgeting software. Am I wrong?


Registered User
Thank you for giving me access to the forum Brendan.

Have searched the internet and this forum but I can’t find any reference to irish banks offering this. I use YNAB and it’s such a slog if you get behind. I remember in another life in the 1990s using microsoft money and envying Americans because they had this facility. Thirty years later that’s the ONLY thing i envy them for but surely we’ve caught up?
Most of the banks will provide a download feature but that's about it so far. The Open Banking revolution is slow to take off
Not at my computer right now, but I believe AIB allows you to download CSVs, which you can import into your budget software.

PSD2 openbanking will get there, but it’s really pretty new.
I don't use it, but YNAB announced that they had rolled out support for AIB, BOI, PTSB and Ulster all in the last month or so.
KBC have had account information APIs available for a while.
I haven't used APIs with any of the banks, so I don't know what level of support they have yet.

Edit: apologies, the above is incorrect. It was a 3rd party service that provides sych for YNAB that has the functionality.
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Is that the Pro or Medici version @Coldwarrior? Just a bit concerned that it seems to be 'phone only.
It was the Medici for the automatic bank sync, I've since moved away from Toshl though to the Olivia AI app, it has nearly all the same features and is free ( you may get a small sales pitch from Irish Life through it but its easily ignored).