I think I bought a fake bag on ebay!

Im quite amused by why your so distressed by this.

I am far from being distressed.. just sad to see that an illegal industry is fuelled by materialistic superficiel people buying fakes rather than buying genuine stuff.. and who seem proud to do so.

What i am saying to these people is to buy genuine goods in their price reach rather than buying fakes (of genuine goods that are outside their financial capabilities).
It is as simple as that ...

BTW, i am not having a go at you personnaly, but all people buying fakes.

Baccus, you have no idea under what premise, for what purpose or reason I bought the fake bag.
A very very small minority of people have genuine good reasons for buying fakes.
So, tell us why do why do you buy fakes , you may be one of these?
just sad to see that an illegal industry is fuelled by materialistic superficiel people buying fakes rather than buying genuine stuff.. and who seem proud to do so.

Baccus no idea where you got the idea I was proud to have bought a fake, I simply said that when I purchased the item I had a fair idea it would be a fake.

tell us why do why do you buy fakes

Again more assumptions, I bought 1 item which I had a fair idea would be a fake,( it was marketed as genuine) Not Items.

I bought what was marketed as a genuine prada bag, in the reasonable knowledge that it would in fact be a fake, I did not enter the contract to purchase the item knowing it to be a fake, I actually do not know whether its fake or genuine , its impossible to tell the difference against the exact same one bought in brown Thomas. However the BT bag cost €200 more.

why did I buy it, because I was drunk and myself and my mates bought it, and an ironing board , we were however unfortunately unsuccessful in our bid for a pink modified VW Bettle

Lighten up for forks sake.
well it brought a tear to my eye, postage was more than the friggin ironing board. lesson learned, Never bid on ebay auctions under the influence of drink.
well it brought a tear to my eye, postage was more than the friggin ironing board. lesson learned, Never bid on ebay auctions under the influence of drink.
Yeah - I don't know how many ironing boards I've bought online under the influence only to regret it the next morning. I still respect them all though.
Yeah - I don't know how many ironing boards I've bought online under the influence only to regret it the next morning. I still respect them all though.

In this instance I think it's perfectly acceptable if you just use them!
How would ye know, just like the handbag, very hard to tell the difference from the real maccoy.
bacchus said:
A very very small minority of people have genuine good reasons for buying fakes.
So, tell us why do why do you buy fakes , you may be one of these?

Molly said:
Again more assumptions, I bought 1 item which I had a fair idea would be a fake

Where is the assumption in my quote above??? nowhere....

I referred to people working in police, fraud squads, for the genuine brands to need to examine the fakes in order to slightly change the design or manufactruing process. Sorry to read you are not on of those.

While this thread is about fakes in the fashion industry, fakes also exists for more serious stuff like plane parts, car parts, etc....and guess what happen if the disk brake of your car shatters while braking or if a rotor fails in mid-air?

molly said:
why did I buy it, because I was drunk
Drunkness is not an excuse for anything...you are still guilty of having knowingly bought a fake.
You could have been drunk when you put your Ebay bid in, but i guess you were sobbered up when you completed the transaction.
obviously I shouldn't post after coming back from the pub.which is where I am going now to watch the rest of the footie.