i-pod query please


Registered User
Can I delete a song from i-pod but keep it on i-tunes?
I have pasted lyrics of a song into i-tunes but they wont transfer to i-pod when I update it.I have pressed the centre of i-pod while in now playing mode (as instructed on i-pod help).?
As far as I know, you can't transfer anything from your iPod to i-tunes......however if you have it saved in your i-tunes library, then you can delete it from your iPod and it will remain saved in i-tunes but not the ipod.........does that make sense ???
In your iTunes library, there's a little blue box beside every song. If you uncheck the box, and tell iTunes to only upload checked songs (in iTunes prefs, under the iPod tab) you can have the song in iTunes but it won't load to your iPod.
thanks for replies.My problem is I have the songs already uploaded to i-pod and I'm trying to delete them from i-pod without deleting them from i-tunes.(so unchecking the box in i-tunes would be too late now as thy are already uploaded.
No - if the box is unchecked the songs should be deleted from the iPod automatically the next time you update your iPod library.