I-pod / Creative Zen vision M


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Thinking of buying my first MP3 player and caught between I-pod nano and Creative Zen vision M.Don't really want video capability but like the idea of the radio on the Creative. How do you download music onto Creative - I assume you can't use I-tunes.....do Creative have their own version of this site?
creative make smaller versions like the Zen micro if you don't want video capabilty which are more comparible to the nano.
I got the Zen V Plus 8GB -has Radio -great sound -works great with Windows media Player 11. Downside it has a very plastic feel to it and my power switch seems abit loose.
Was in the market for an MP3 player myself recently. Was advised to stay away from iRiver as the retailers here have been having terrible problems with them. Was a bit disappointed as I previously had a 512mb iRiver and thought it was great. Finally decided on the Creative Zen Vision M and am very happy with it. One of my biggest requirements was a radio so I would recommend the Creative for that.
I just orderedt the ZVM, read lots of reviews and it's the best out there currently for me :)
Go for the Creative everytime. It is not compatible with Itunes but it is compatable with most other music software. I use the Yahoo Music software which is free.
Yeah downloading is fully available with Yahoo. Just google Yahoo Music player and you should be able to find all you need to know. Personnally I find having the radio, having a better battery and the fact that the creative is compatable to all music software outweighs any benefit the IPOD would have.
Did that search............Do you use Yahoo jukebox or Yahoo unlimited???I see there is a yearly charge for that one....