I left two beds at my former rented accomodation: Now LL wants me to remove them?


Registered User
This probably isnt the right place for this query but it is the closest topic to my problem.

I have just moved from rented accommodation to my own house.

The rented house I was in was very damp and didnt want to bring the 2 beds I had there with me as they would ruin the new house so left them in the rented place.

A month later the landlord has asked me to move them now so does anyone know if I have to move them or would he have any comeback on me??
Re: Stance of tenants

Em, well if you own them surely you have a responsibility to dispose of them properly?

Otherwise you are simply dumping them on his property without permission.
Re: Stance of tenants

Was the apartment furnished when you moved in ? Was there beds there already and did you ask the landlord not to supply ? Seems a reasonable request if you own the beds to be honest. I presume you had no agreement of disposal on vacating the apartment ?