I haven't a clue


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For several years now I have been wanting to get my wife a really good piece of jewellery. The trouble is I haven't a bulls clue about style or quality. She keeps on saying she will go with me one day shopping for the said piece, but she just keeps on putting it off. Then she tell's me every now and again about this friend of her's and that friend of her's who just got the "most gorgeous ring" etc, etc.
It's driving me insane.
So I have decided to get her a gift cert. I am budgeting €1,000 maybe €1,500.
She has said in the past that she would like antique or old style jewellery.

Two seperate questions really.

1. Is my budget enough to get something really nice / stylish.
2. I need a recommendation as to where best to get the gift voucher. Reputable shop with good selection and advice. Galway or Dublin would suit or maybe even Cork.

Would really, really appreciate some guidance.

While I wouldn't seek to impose on someone else's relationship, personally, I think that a gift cert is a really bad idea for a wife. Why not address the 'always putting it off' problem. Set a day aside. Book time off work. Get minder for kids (if any). Make a day with lunch or dinner etc.
I too would agree with Rainyday and book a day off to buy the piece together. I think for your wife in this situation a gift cert just isn't the most romantic gesture (wouldn't say no to 1500 gift cheque though!)

As for Clubman's sovereign ring......the least said the better.

I know what you mean, but my wife is the kind who says, why do we want to spend money on a ring when we would be better saving for the kids.
Now we have done all of that in terms of education funds, etc, etc.

I just know if I had the cert in one hand and the money already handed over the counter, I would have little problem in getting her away for a weekend and spending the Saturday buying the ring.
So how about some advice about the best place to purchase the gift cert!!!.

Definitely agree that the voucher is a bad idea. Instead go the whole hog, set the date and book a restaurant for a romantic meal a deux- get the ring before the meal if wine is to be partaken...

There used to be a gorgeous jewellry shop in Cork on Winthorp St. which had all the one-off designer jewellry. But equally I'm sure there are loads of good jewellry stores all over the country!
If you are buying in Cork I would highly recommend Helgas at the side of the courthouse. All of the stock some new and some antique is fantastic and the girls are fantastic to help you choose. You could go with it and there would be no problem changing. Hubbie was treating me recently and asked me to go in my self. I really wanted a surprise so in the end I spent an hour with the girls they got a feel for what I liked and hubbie went back to chose. What I would say about a gift voucher is that esp in the antique type stores they do not expect to get the price marked on the item and haggling is in order so you might do best by actually buying something rather than a voucher. My ring was indepently valued at twice the value marked when I was looking at it and I know hubbie got it down to about half that so great value to be had. ANd at the end of the day I have to say the little black box with the glinting diamonds is way nicer than an envelope !! Ask her sister or maybe best friend to help you chose. Good Luck you will get serious brownie points. Diamonds are a girls best friend!
Also agree that voucher is bad idea. She will be restricted to one shop which could be a problem. You could make a dummy voucher "This entitles the bearer to piece of Jewellery to the value of €xxx, to be purchased on xxx day, in xxx city, followed by dinner for two in xxx restaurant". She is less likely to refuse the gesture if thought and planning has gone into it.
I disagree!!! Go to McDowells on OConnell St in Dublin. Bought wedding ring and engagement ring there - excellent service, know what they are talking about - reputable firm and won't foist something on you that doesn't suit. I would be the same as your wife, would hate spending the money on myself yet would be kinda glad if you had done the dirty deed and handed it over the counter already! Take her to dinner afterwards!!

Good luck
Why in the hell are women so bloody complicated!!!!!!!!!!.
But I guess you folks are right. Will have to just plan something.
Kid's auntie is bringing them to the panto in Dublin right after Xmas.
We will travel up, and instead of Mom going along to the panto, perhaps I could jus get her to the jewellers.
Give me a couple of Dublin based recommendations.

Thanks folks!
I would recommend Applybe's (off Grafton St) - I have no connection with them, other than being a very satisfied customer.
Danmo said:
I disagree!!! Go to McDowells on OConnell St in Dublin. Bought wedding ring and engagement ring there - excellent service, know what they are talking about - reputable firm and won't foist something on you that doesn't suit. I would be the same as your wife, would hate spending the money on myself yet would be kinda glad if you had done the dirty deed and handed it over the counter already! Take her to dinner afterwards!!

Good luck


Thanks! Perhaps you and my wife are in the minority of women in this respect. I have given up completely trying to buy her any kind of gift. I allways get a gift voucher and it has'nt backfired yet.

I am now leaning back towards a voucher. I know in my heart and soul even if I get her inside the shop she will not spend a grand or more on herself. She just isn't the type to splash money on "just herself". No problem spending it if the whole family benefits. It's just the way she is.

At the same time I know she would just love a good piece and with voucher in hand she would not have the same reluctance about spending it.

Rujib said:

For several years now I have been wanting to get my wife a really good piece of jewellery. The trouble is I haven't a bulls clue about style or quality. She keeps on saying she will go with me one day shopping for the said piece, but she just keeps on putting it off. Then she tell's me every now and again about this friend of her's and that friend of her's who just got the "most gorgeous ring" etc, etc.
It's driving me insane.
So I have decided to get her a gift cert. I am budgeting €1,000 maybe €1,500.
She has said in the past that she would like antique or old style jewellery.

Two seperate questions really.

1. Is my budget enough to get something really nice / stylish.
2. I need a recommendation as to where best to get the gift voucher. Reputable shop with good selection and advice. Galway or Dublin would suit or maybe even Cork.

Would really, really appreciate some guidance.


You should try the jewellery auctions - O'Reillys comes to mind and Weldons have them too. I think you might have a better chance of getting "something special" there within that budget which is not overly large. Sometimes a really nice piece can also be spotted at the Antique Fairs which are held at various venues.
go into the shop the day before and explain the situation and your budget. Then surprise her and bring her in. Any good place will give ye a private room and only bring in rings in your budget. Tell them to remove the prices so she won't make her decision based on price. Galway try fallers or the one accross from matt o flatertys can't remember the name.
I agree with Joanmul.

Have a look at O'Reillys. This is where the jewellers buy their antique (by definition second hand) jewellery. A piece bought there will cost a lot more in an ordinary jewellers as he has to cover his overheads and make a profit.

They also give a guide price of what they exppect the item to make.

[broken link removed]

[broken link removed] are very good and in January you should be able to get sale price or you could apply for/use their [broken link removed]. Not sure about the antique option but their selection is good generally.

P.S. No connection with Fields.
If your really pushed on getting her the gift cert then make a day of it anyway. Book a day off work and go do some christmas shopping, book somewhere or drop in and have dinner in a nice resturant and then present her with the voucher and after the meal go to whatever jewellers you chose and let her pick out something.Most jewelery stores close around 6 in the evening, some later now its the holiday season. All in all , a nice day out,nice meal, bit of the Xmas shopping out of the way and one satisfied wife and a lovely piece of jewellery.
Been there done that. Had the same problem.
Eventually went to a little shop in Portlaoise- (its not a jewellery shop and the lady there was brilliant, she has just about everything from cups to antique jewellery.She picked out a rose gold chain for herself which went down a treat, last year i went back and she picked out a pair of diamond ear rings to suit the chain from last year, christmas morning handed the pressie to herself , major browney points earned.
If you want further details give me a shout and i will look up number etc