I have money. How do I make money?


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I am currently very fortunate that I have some money available to me. It is currently on deposit but as the returns are getting lower I see this as a time to maybe start investing. I don't mean investing in shares, funds etc. I mean in assets etc.
I have circa. €100k and was wondering if anyone had any ideas out there which might be worth looking at?

I would welcome any views or ideas etc.
what about trying prpoerty for a little more you might be able to pick up an apartment. Rent it out for the long term and hope that it appreciates in the long term.

only big problem with this idea is all of your money is in one basket.
what about trying prpoerty for a little more you might be able to pick up an apartment. Rent it out for the long term and hope that it appreciates in the long term.

only big problem with this idea is all of your money is in one basket.

Have I been transported back to 2006??
I have to agree with Tallpaul. In one way it makes sense if the locationis right, but in most other ways it makes no sense now, with all the taxes, fees etc.

No, I would prefer not to put all of my eggs into one basket unless it is a super deal
Get some money into gold and silver, however,they are due a pullback very soon so wait till then.
First set a goal for yourself. What do you hope to achieve. What are you prepared to loose. Do a risk analysis. How much time are you prepared to put into this. Are you just hoping to leave it there and sit back. If so, expect little return.
I have a few quid in a fixed term deposit a/c till I see what this budget has to offer. If you want my views on apartments look at other threads.

fixed term deposit accounts are your safest bet. You might want to section it off, 2x25k into an investment and 50k into a long term investment. If your looking for real financial advice, I'd go to a financial adviser in my local bank and double check his/her advice with another bank.

As for investments you need a broker, try Davies or somewhere like that. Gold is good as it is the only real currency. Money is legal tender which means its worth what the central banks say its worth so I believe. Green energy would be worth looking into but do your homework, dont just throw your money at it and go "hail mary full of grace..."
Have I been transported back to 2006??

Well if they dont want to leave their money on deposit or invest in shares etc. there are not many more options for investment apart from property. And there should be some good investment opportunities in that market now/soon!
Thanks for your replies but I don't want to invest in deposits or investment funds. I want to invest in assets that have a chance of appreciating or assets that can be purchased cheap and sold off quickly with a quick sale being the most important part of the deal.

I have property so I have enough of that. I don't believe banks have great financial advisers, but some brokers are well clued in.
No to Property
No to Gold
No to Deposits
No to Investment Funds
Yes to quick sale
Is there some magic asset that hasn't been listed yet that meets all your requirements?
Art? Mugs game.
Collectables? Mugs game.
If there was something wouldn't we all be investing in it already?

I have to agree. You are looking at liquid assets which basically means:
- cash
- bonds
- certain commodities
- funds/ETFs
- ordinary shares
- preference shares
- options, CDFs, and all the other acronyms

real estate, antiques, wine, art, jewelry etc are all illiquid. That doesn't leave much.

It sounds like you are looking for the holy grail, i.e. low risk, high return liquid asset. If you find it let us know.
The only other thing I can think of is B.E.S. or flim investing. These are risky but you can get a tax break.
The only other thing I can think of is B.E.S. or flim investing. These are risky but you can get a tax break.

A tax break should NEVER be the main reason for investing money in a particular investment. It is irrelevant what tax break you got if you lose a lot or all of your money. BES or film investing have a high chance of doing that. The only thing that is important is your net of tax return, not the fact that you can get or got tax relief on your investment.
The only other thing I can think of is B.E.S. or flim investing. These are risky but you can get a tax break.

Never invest for a tax break as the tax break is what the government use to get people to put money into something that nobody else will!

You might as well go to a casino and put it all on number 7. at least that way you have a chance of a good return on your money quickly.
Investing a large lump sum is far harder to do psychologically than investing on a regular basis.

I am more than happy to invest in a monthly saver plan into emerging markets, gold miners, etc for the long term.

Would I do the same with a large sum now? Probably not.

Whatever you do I would invest the money into the market on a regular basis thus 'averaging out' any potential near term market fall.

I would also diversify the money a lot. Diversifying has had a lot of bad press but I follow the legend Marc Faber and he says you have to diversify hugely as NO ONE can fully predict the future.

Yes buy into the mega trends of Asia, Brazil, gold, silver, agriculture, etc but make sure it is spread across a number of countries and across all asset classes.

Also buy into developed countries that have an economic future - i.e. Australia, Canada, Norway etc.
Well if they dont want to leave their money on deposit or invest in shares etc. there are not many more options for investment apart from property. And there should be some good investment opportunities in that market now/soon!
The return currently available from deposits exceeds those offered on residential property investments by quite a margin. Also, with a property investment your capital is at risk and may appreciate or depreciate. Personally I find deposit rates quite attractive at the moment with the combined effect of CPI deflation.
. I want to invest in assets that have a chance of appreciating or assets that can be purchased cheap and sold off quickly with a quick sale being the most important part of the deal.

If only I knew the answer to this.

You have to decide what risk you want to take and if the answer is zero risk then leave it on deposit. It may be worth your while to go to a financial expert for advice. Be prepared to pay for good advice and be very careful who you chose. LD Ferguson who is a good broker and a poster on here may be able to point you in the right direction.
What age are you now? Maybe make some goals for the future.

If your 25 for example now and you want money for when you retire (65) then you could invest 20k of it in stocks for 40 years. Reinvest all the profit you make. After CGT if you managed to average 10% per annum you would end up with over 500k.

Maybe invest another amount of 30/40k somewhere else for when you are 45. Reinvest the gains here aswell.

Then put some into the best deposit account for a rainy day.
this is a laugh. he wants to buy somethign now and sell off in a quick sale for a large profit. cocaine maybe?

Do you have a job ?
If not, 100'000 is a good sum to think about starting your own business.
Most entrepreneurs start out with way less capital than this.

i know not everyone has the aptitude to be an entrapreneur, it takes hard work, some good ideas, 7 day working weeks.
The point I'm making is that it has always been difficult for people to make money by sitting back and investing in things which you dont control, like shares, or gold, or deposits in banks etc.
Most people who make a bit of money do so by investing in their own ventures.....
I want to invest in assets that have a chance of appreciating or assets that can be purchased cheap and sold off quickly with a quick sale being the most important part of the deal.

You are not an investor. You are a Speculator! BIG BIG difference.

Investors are not in a rush to make a quick profit..You are!