I have just learnt how to copy a web page

Brendan Burgess

Maybe everyone else knows this, but I didn't.

From time to time, I have wanted to take copies of web pages, but all I did was take a screen print which just copied what was on the screen.

This is what I did in Firefox ( The others presumably have something similar)

From the drop down select : PDF Creator

And it will ask you where you want to save it.

I have Nitro PDF Creator, but presumably Adobe allows this as well.

Evernote & Web Clipper.

Use Evernote to Organise everything (and I mean everything - reading material, notes to self, receipts, invoices, web pages, documents .....).

Evernote Web Clipper allows you to take a full copy of a web page.
Thanks nai

What is the difference between the free version and the premium version?

Has Evernote web clipper any advantage over the free "print as pdf" approach?
Thanks nai

What is the difference between the free version and the premium version?

Has Evernote web clipper any advantage over the free "print as pdf" approach?

Free is good enough for me (that's the extent to which I can comment on that).

Key advantages over print as pdf are: Ease of...
Organisation & storage (cloud based)
Search (tagging)
Access (from anywhere)

It really is a brilliant piece of kit.
Free is good enough for me (that's the extent to which I can comment on that).

Key advantages over print as pdf are: Ease of...
Organisation & storage (cloud based)
Search (tagging)
Access (from anywhere)

It really is a brilliant piece of kit.


Also :
Accessible from multiple devices
Very easy to use

I'm happy on free version also.

Only time I could see I might need the Premium version is :
For larger items (> 30 mb I think)
Team collaboration

But I've only once come up against that restriction.
A free option to use instead of Adobe is DoPDF (dopdf.com).

It's not just for webpages, use it for any software you have that can print e.g. good for sending a Word doc to someone where you don't want changes, so print to a PDF doc first and then send.

I think Microsoft XPS Document Writer does something similar if you don't have PDF software.

I must try Evernote again, I'm struggling to get away from saving my 'clippings' in separate Word docs saved on my Desktop.
If I save as, it just copies a link to my email etc, I usually copy an paste to Word
For clipping I use Microsoft OneNote -- the MS ripoff of Evernote. I'm not mad about it but just happen to have a license for it. I only tried Evernote on the iPhone where it's not brilliant. Maybe it's time to have a go on the desktop.

I've used a couple of different PDF printers. My current one is PDF995. I find its reproductions are very faithful, which is important to me because I do a fair bit of mathematical typesetting. (LaTeX would be the de facto standard for this, but I like the WYSIWYG entry of Design Science's MathType, while still being able to print to PDF).