I hate laptops


I hate laptops.

I hate those fiddly little keys

I hate not having a numeric key pad.

I hate that pad thing (instead of a mouse), when the heel of your hand hits it an the cursor spins off to infinity.

I hate those screen displays that are impossible to configure.

I hate having to hit three or more keys to get the * key.

Rant over, perhaps this post belongs in LOS!

Probably does belong in Letting Off Steam alright. However in case it's of any use as constructive feedback this topic mentions some technical details about keyboard management that might be of interest to you. Also you can generally tweak the setting of the touchpad to get it working better for you. The NumLock key, when engaged, normally uses some of the main keyboard keys (e.g. 7, 8, 9, 0, U, I, O, P, J, K, L, ;, M, <, >, /) as a temporary alternative keypad. And you could always attach an external keyboard and mouse if all else fails. I have to say that before I got my laptop and only used them sporadically I thought that laptop keyboards and touchpads were fiddly but since I got one and use it more than my desktop I have grown very used and fond of it. Hope this helps.
I hate when you hit the mouse pad the wrong way and your page goes back!! Especially when you have just written a looong email.
Try a wireless optical mouse - it will revolutionise your laptop usage. Just as long as you can avoid continually misplacing it!
2 things

"Especially when you have just written a looong email"

Its best to get into the habit of doing long e-mails or even posts in Word and just copy them over.

"Try a wireless optical mouse - it will revolutionise your laptop usage"

That's what I thought when I first started using the recent Aldi one but it worked fine for a few days and has started to act up now. Are they inclined to be tempermental?
sueellen said:
Its best to get into the habit of doing long e-mails or even posts in Word and just copy them over.

And maybe reconfigure the touchpad so that it doesn't cause the problems that annoy you. This is usually possible.

That's what I thought when I first started using the recent Aldi one but it worked fine for a few days and has started to act up now. Are they inclined to be tempermental?

If it came with batteries did you try new ones? A lot of the time devices come with batteries which have practically drained during storage/transit and it's best to start with new ones.


and how about the way they just expire and you never seem to be able to rebuild the software so that the power management works proper

and what about the way the edges damage so easy ?

and who hasnt had a damaged display when the thing fell six inches ?

They are the work of satan

When the revolution comes anyone with a laptop will be burnt at the stake


( I hate the things but I do have a faint memory of a CP/M one that seemed to work OK for WP - Real Men prefer character mode - )
I like mine. It's a Dell latitude.

I had some problems in the early stages which were rectified by Dell under warranty.

I prefer it to PCs. And I love it since I got wireless Broadband last year.

I totally agree with Observer - get a wireless optical mouse. Any moisture on my finger seemed to affect the pad and the speed of movement of the cursor .
The wireless optical mouse sorted all that out.