I hate cats

I see my tounge in cheek post about shooting cats has been removed by the moderator...
Can anyone give a reason why?
From our

If anyone has a sure fire method (pardon the pun) I would also appreciate an answer. Whatever about the cats that may live in good homes near my house, the problem in my area are the feral cats that insist on mating (very loudly) and also use my garden as their toilet. Last week I had to borrow a pair of shoes from a girl I work with (I am also a girl) because one of my shoes was covered in cat s**t just walking to my bin and then to my car! What can one do...please help!
...one of my shoes was covered in cat s**t just walking to my bin and then to my car!...
Cats bury their pee and poo! I have 2 cats, and have yet to step in anything they leave behind. They tend to use lose soil as their toilet. On the other hand dogs that use our garden just poop where ever they want. I found dog poop 1ft up a shrub last week and also just left on the open lawn. Now I complained about that!
My father in law, a very creative man, swears by this method for keeping cats out of the garden.
Insert large screws or hooks an inch or 2 below the top of garden wall, then run 2 lines of fishing line (unfortunately called catgut) on these hooks. It must come out 3-4 inches from the wall, it has to run right up to the house wall, has to go right round the garden, and must be tight as possible. It creates an overhang that the cats find difficult to get past.
Cats bury their pee and poo! I have 2 cats, and have yet to step in anything they leave behind. They tend to use lose soil as their toilet.
Unfortunately our cats don't, and I regularly have to clean up behind them. For some obscure reason, they fancy a particular patch of the lawn.
The cats where I live must have some sort of a union because none of them seem to bother with the cursory scrape over of grass or soil. They must not want to do "another man's job". The problem I have is that they seem to think it's my job and I don't want it!
Personally I wouldn't do it but I see no reason why a house owner who finds a cat pooing in their garden shouldn't trap the cat and have it put down (humanly, one sharp blow of a goalkeepers hurley or the like ).
Presumably the same sharp blow of a hurley would be allowed for the dogs who defecate around our public parks every morning and evening (and the doggie owners)?
Unfortunately our cats don't, and I regularly have to clean up behind them. For some obscure reason, they fancy a particular patch of the lawn.

Your cats must have had a bad mother. I heard a vet on the radio afew days ago saying that if kittens are not shown how to catch mice by their mother they will never catch mice. I wonder does the same apply re: doing their business.
Last week I had to borrow a pair of shoes from a girl I work with (I am also a girl) because one of my shoes was covered in cat s**t just walking to my bin and then to my car! What can one do...please help!

Why didn't you just clean your shoes?

I'm surprised at the animosity towards these beautiful creatures - particularly Dr. M's cat carrying tool .

For those of you who want to keep them out of your gardens that does so without harming them.
I'm surprised at the animosity towards these beautiful creatures - particularly Dr. M's cat carrying tool .

For those of you who want to keep them out of your gardens that does so without harming them.

I have to say I laugh every time I think of the cat carrier!

The device above works on a radius of 8000 sq. ft. Will cat owners in the neighbourhood not wonder what the hell is wrong with their moggy as they're climbing up the walls??
I'm surprised at the animosity towards these beautiful creatures - particularly Dr. M's cat carrying tool .

For those of you who want to keep them out of your gardens that does so without harming them.

I might get two and point one into my neighbours garden as well
The device above works on a radius of 8000 sq. ft. Will cat owners in the neighbourhood not wonder what the hell is wrong with their moggy as they're climbing up the walls??
Better than a dirty great screw up the ........