I cant print PDF files on my computer


Registered User
Hello, When I go to print a PDF file on my computer, instead of it printing after clicking okay on the printer dialogue box I am brought to another dialogue box that says 'Print to file'. Any help appreciated.
Are you going file print or clicking on the printer icon?

Is there pdf writer software installed on your computer?
you need to change the printer you are using to be the default printer. When you print and the printer dialogue box comes on, click down to the printer you are using rather than print to file.
I print from the printer icon but have also tried file print and still not working. how do find out if i have pdf writer software installed?
Are you going file print or clicking on the printer icon?

he is clicking print straight away. He needs to go


get the printer dialogue box

change the settings from print to file to the printer he wants.

press print
I print from the printer icon but have also tried file print and still not working. how do find out if i have pdf writer software installed?

You dont need pdf writer software. you can see the pdf document so you have the software. change the printer settings. it will work then.