I cant believe it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!!!!


Registered User
Where have I been!!!! Since when is it perceived as rude to beep your horn to let a person in a house know that you are waiting outside???? This is after you knocked on the back door, no bell by the way, you tried to ring bell on front door, no bell or knocker!!, you rang the house tel no 3 times but it went into messaging, you go round to back of house again to see occupant hanging out clothes to dry, no apology for not answering the door or telephone but wanted to make the point big time that it was RUDE to beep the horn!! They also said they knew I was outside as they have cameras. I was there at their request by the way.

To say I was gobsmacked is an understatement. It was not perceived as rude, not to answer door or telephone or even call out when they saw me on the cameras!! I was left waiting for quite a while as well. Breathtaking, and we wonder what has happened to us.

I did advise them that I would never beep the horn at their house again.

Re: I cant beleive it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!!!!

Why were you so persistent? Did you not get the message?
Re: I cant beleive it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!

Its downright rude and discoureous and perhaps even dangerous!

Cars regularily beep their horns at my next door neighbours house day and night. Some of them even toot their horns as a kind of parting byee!
Re: I cant beleive it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!!!!

this was at 2.15pm in the afternoon, in the country, I was asked to call out by the husband, who was away and do work he assured me that wife would be there to pay me. I would not have gone otherwise. And he could easliy have said no need to call today if I was not required but I did drive 12 miles.

I am beginning to see the light though, I do a slight beep when I am moving off afrter chatting to someone, not late at night or where it would confuse other road users.

I am not sure if neighbours near me beep the horn as I am probaly immune to it.

Re: I cant beleive it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!

Hi Noah,

It was very rude of the lady to keep you waiting and not respond to your telephone calls, doorbell rings etc even when she could see you on the cameras.

It was very rude of you to sound your horn in this way. Even if there were no negihbours and no traffic perhaps there could have been napping children or elderly people in the house. You could have spooked animals (horses, dogs or cattle). There could have been agricultural workers operating machinery in the vicintiy for whom the sound of a horn sounding could be a warning.

Re: I cant beleive it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!!!!

of course and the nesting birds, sleeping dogs, field mice, foxes, badgers, hens, pheasants and anything else that moves. It was a very light toot and I am sure it would only have been audible at about 6 feet no more.

To realise that there are people who consider it rude to beep the horn and not rude to not answer, door or phone or even venture out when one is seen on camera and expected says an awful lot that is wrong with irish people and this was an Irish person.

As for your comments, well theres a name for you as well but its rude and I would never be rude ever.

Re: I cant beleive it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!

It was a very light toot and I am sure it would only have been audible at about 6 feet no more.
How did you expect it to attract the attention of the person in question so?

A friend of our next door neighbour always drives up the road and beeps before doing a U turn at the end of the road no matter what time she is calling. It's really annoying and very rude in my opinion.
Well at least the perception that is rude is not that unusual then. So where does rudeness begin and courtesy end? As an aside the reason I will not beep the horn at that house again is that I will never go back there because of the rudeness. A person who can say it is rude to beep a horn and blatantly ignore a caller is not living in the real world ie they are ignorant and that unfortunately is a fact of life in this fair land. People try to pretend to be what thay are not.

I can assure you it is not rude to beep your horn, it is rude to ignore an expected caller, it is even ruder to admit that they knew youw were there, they are in efect treating another human being like s...it.

I give up.

end of thread

Re: I cant believe it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!

If someone had made an appointment with me and I had driven 12 miles to keep that appointment, I would find it extremely rude to be ignored by the occupants of the house! I don't think it was rude to beep the horn in order to attract attention and I think the lady of the house was really ignorant and had a cheek to complain!
Re: I cant beleive it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!

I do a slight beep when I am moving off afrter chatting to someone, not late at night or where it would confuse other road users.

I am not sure if neighbours near me beep the horn as I am probaly immune to it.
That is a really irritating (in my opinion) and totally unnecessary habit that some people (including my own sister) have.
she was hanging out the clothes while you were waiting?! don't like beeping horn myself but there's really no excuse for poor manners shown by lady of the house
Taxi drivers are the worst for this. We use a number of local taxi firms and none of them call to the door anymore. They pull up outside and beep their horn. We don't have a dog and Mrs WH isn't that scary - it's just pure laziness and not fair on the neighbours.

Not answering the door was pretty rude when she knew that someone who was requested call to the house was outside. I would have driven away (without beeping!).
Re: I cant believe it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!

I've noticed this with taxi drivers too. Lately I've been using a firm that is highly computerised. As the taxi driver pulls up outside he presses a button which rings your house phone twice. I'm very impressed.
Re: I cant believe it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!

Sounds like she was lookin' for a way out of paying over money. Any excuse used.

You're probably right. When ignoring him didn't work she had to look for some other excuse i.e. complaint about horn.
Re: I cant beleive it, beeping the horn to get a person to answer the door is rude!!!

That is a really irritating (in my opinion) and totally unnecessary habit that some people (including my own sister) have.

Geez we really are uptight these days aren't we that such little things can be really irritating! I yearn for the days of old when, just like in the Waltons, ye could toot yer horn loudly on approaching a house as a friendly welcome!! Lighten up people!
But, was the caller exactly on time? Could the lady of the house not have slipped out for a moment or an emergency? I certainly wouldn't like someone to call to my back door especially if I lived in the country when my wife was alone at home. I think the callers actions are a bit creepy especially when he knew the husband was away.
Can anyone explain the point of this thread? When I read the opening post yesterday evening I sighed to myself "what next....?". I can't believe it has since attracted 17 replies.