I cant afford my mortage and wish to move on

kerry Girl

Registered User
Dear all ,
just looking for a little advice as to where to start .

I am a single girl with a mortgage with EBS since 2007.
I am off sick for the last few months and have paid up to date. I will be able to pay January payment but after that i dont know how i will be but i know i wont have the money to pay the EBS.
My income now is €188 a week , i am due to have some serious surgery and may be out from work for a long time yet. If i am able to go back at all.
i was just getting my money in order the last two years paying off big credit card bills i had built up living the high life for years over spending.
Thought i was little miss Glam' all the time !!
right now i owe 5k plus my mortgage of €130k left
If i have to face the fact that I may have to think about giving up my home well so be it.
I just would like to know how to I find out about getting out of this , who do i ask about my options before I go to the Bank to discuss this.
sorry , the worst part of being unwell the amount of filling in is too much for me right now. i cant read a long post like that , even if its for my own good. typing is killing me enough.
I may have to struggle through this the hard way for now
Well maybe you will find it easier to answer some questions.

1) How much is your house worth - roughly?
2) What interest rate are you paying to EBS?
3) Have you checked your insurance to see if your mortgage payments are covered? Unlikely but check.
4) If you lose your home, have you a place to live?

You have to put your health and welfare first.

Call EBS and tell them you can't afford a mortgage. Ask for a full payment moratorium immediately as you have lost your job and you are facing big medical expenses. They probably won't be able to agree to this over the phone, so as an interim measure, stop the mortgage payment to the EBS.
Perhaps contact MABS for help filling the forms you will need for EBS or your local Citizens Info office may be able to help too.