I can’t stand Germaine Greer

If Germaine Greer is angry, then so am I. Every thinking woman should be.

I listened to the pod cast as I had read an excerpt from the interview which seemed so utterly in contrast to your summing up that I thought it must be a different interview. But it was the same interview. Just another difference in perception between men and women I suppose but I thought she was intelligent, amusing, tongue in cheek...

There are plenty of issues that women face. Real issues that in some countries are literally issues of life and death. Ms Greer's "tongue in cheek" comments are sexist just as the tongue in cheek comments made by some 1970's comedians were sexist.
You can’t be a champion for equality and respect while degrading other people. There's an air of bitterness and resentment to her that doesn’t allow for the possibility that men can also champion the cause of equality. I thought the man who spoke at the end of the interview who said that he was a father and a feminist was excellent. She didn't acknowledge him at all.

Her comments were full of sweeping generalisations and stereotypes. I would hate any of my children to hold such sexist views about the opposite gender.
By the way, why shouldn't men be angry about sexism as well?
In not gay but homophobia makes me angry. I'm a white European but racism makes me angry. Why does Ms Greer have a problem with men being angry about sexism?