I am upgrading my Apple - should I be concerned about Trump?


Registered User
Hi everyone, reading this. I am at a crossroad. I have to upgrade my mac-mini OS and wondering how the Trump administration is going affect Apple sales here in Ireland. I have been a fan of Apple since they brought out their first computer and phone. I have never used anything else. Has anyone been faced with the same concerns and what are you doing about it. If you switched to another brand, which brand did you choose and why?
What potential difference does Trump make to Apple sales in Ireland?.

If you're concerned about US companies for some reason, then that rules out the likes of Dell, Lenova and HP as well. Likewise you can't use MS, Google or a host of other software providers.
Availability and cost of spare parts in the future. Apple is already very costly as it is, hence the consideration for moving to another brand.
who are you to judge what my concerns are or aren’t?
You did ask on a PIAF (pointless internet argument forum rather than a deceased French warbler) whether you should be concerned. For clarity, "Surely there are more pressing things to worry about." equates to no. If my octogenarian father asked me similar I tell him to stop the crazy talk.
If it were me, I'd avoid Apple and get a Samsung, a lot cheaper (and for me at any rate) does the samish job, thereby removing concern around US tarrifs etc .
because the tariffs imposed by Trump will affect the cost of US goods to Ireland amongst other things?
Maybe and maybe not, it may all depend firstly on what tariffs are applied and when and secondly, where is the PC in question actually made. For example, non standard (configure to order) iMAcs are actually made in Cork.
For clarity, "Surely there are more pressing things to worry about." equates to no. If my octogenarian father asked me similar I tell him to stop the crazy talk.
If we were to start imposing some sort of merit based criteria to threads here it would be a much quieter board! :D

Many people wouldn't dream of sharing their most pressing concerns with a random bunch of strangers on the internet.
@ michaelm - mind you don't get too close to your sharp octogenerian papa; you might cut yourself. :D Trump's tariffs are my concern, not Trump.
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