i am tired of cold callers but this was the worst. talk talk


Registered User
What can be done about people ringing your door bell and then going straight into a spiel as if you are throwing your money away?? Not only that it was after 8pm, pouriing with rain, howling wind, could not find my keys, thought it was a relative with bad news, it was TALK TALK rep and the 1st q was " Are you getting the full reductions from your landline??? I got very angry and he was not best pleased.

Is their a code of practice these cold callers must follow??

I was really busy at the time so hopping mad. Why can't they call during daylight hours at least.

We've gotten these guys too. I just tell him straight out I'm not interested in saving money. Always throws them for a loop, during which time I smile and close the door (gently).
clubman you must either have great patience or be very lucky, to get a cold call after 8pm is a cheek in my book, I went to talk talk uk and in their code of practice it specifically says they will not call after 8pm. if we all sit back and just grin and bear it then we are heading in the wrong direction.

I for one am not going to. I value my privacy and a bit of piece and quite and my advice to any one trying to earn a living on door to door work would be, call early, introduce yourself properly, dont be a smart alec and then when told not interested dont push your luck.

I had a guy with one eye calling to the door at 9.15 one night trying to sell art in the lashing rain. Woke the kids and all I could say was "you must be joking" as I closed the door.

Global Windows rang at 6 pm last night and I seem to lie all the time to these callers, instead of saying no, didnt I go and say that we had just got new windows and how it was a pity that I missed their sale
TalkTalk phoned me despite the fact that I have told eircom that I don't want cold calls. They said that it can take 6 months for their databases to be updated.

I think you should complain them to ComReg.

Brendan said:
TalkTalk phoned me despite the fact that I have told eircom that I don't want cold calls. They said that it can take 6 months for their databases to be updated.

I think you should complain them to ComReg.


I think a lot of cold call companies generate their numbers so they may still call you even if you are not listed in the directory.
NOAH said:
What can be done about people ringing your door bell and then going straight into a spiel as if you are throwing your money away??
For a more peaceful home life you could always try a combination of the following: disconnect your door bell (people who know you will knock), also maybe a small sign bearing the legend 'Callers by appointment only', a sticker on the letter box saying 'Addressed post only please', if you have a gate/side gate a 'Beware of dog' sign, and change your phone number and go ex-directory.
brodiebabe said:
I think a lot of cold call companies generate their numbers so they may still call you even if you are not listed in the directory.
Yes - but if you have opted out of receiving such calls they are supposed to respect this. See [broken link removed] and [broken link removed].
I got a call (one of numerous telephone companies) asking for "X" (my mother, who died in 1999)!! I was so furious I just said "X died 7 years ago, please go away" and before he could apologise I hung up. I'm really fed up receiving these phone calls from telephone companies. Also, and more infuriating even than the call, is the fact that the caller is almost always a non-national with VERY bad English, so I have to ask him/her TWICE to repeat what he/she is saying before I realise that I don't want to talk to him/her !!
Audrey said:
Also, and more infuriating even than the call, is the fact that the caller is almost always a non-national with VERY bad English, so I have to ask him/her TWICE to repeat what he/she is saying before I realise that I don't want to talk to him/her !!

I was working in a call center (not cold calls) before, and even though my English is good (that's what I have been told, and my CAE is there to prove it as well), lots of people complaint to me about my English. It's usually not the employee fault, companies shouldn't hire people to deal with customers if their spoken english were not good enough.
OK so this is weird (or perhaps normal when it comes to Talk Talk)..... just answered the phone & 2 successive auto voice recordings came on....

" Talk Talk", "extension zero"...and then it hung up.... sounds as though there is an auto dialer at work...

DrMoriarty said:
Here's a handy script!
But could you be bothered? Really? Also, I agree with Ninsaga - there is an auto dialer at work. There's always a gap between the time I answer the phone and the time the caller actually starts the broken-English appeal!! (and then of course a gap between the time he starts to speak and the time I realise he's trying to sell me something!)
got about ten calls in last week from alpha telecom and just this morning an irish girl rang on behalf of another communications crowd.the alpha telecom guys were all indian or pakistani and very hard to understand initially but they had an answer for everything,i told him i didnt make international calls from my landline and that i used VOIP but he said you cant make these calls from your mobile and i said i didnt wanna ring on my mobile,i cant be rude to people so each time it took me a few minutes to get off the line,from now on i am gonna start pressing the keypad buttons randomly bang the phone off the table and hang up! but i know they will ring back -they always do.
bearishbull said:
i cant be rude to people so each time it took me a few minutes to get off the line

from now on i am gonna start pressing the keypad buttons randomly bang the phone off the table and hang up!
But wouldn't that be rude? Better just to hang up. As mentioned before we tend not to answer from numbers that we don't recognise. If we get a few false positives in terms of genuine calls from unrecognised numbers then it's not the end of the world as people will usually catch us on the mobile, email etc.