I am looking for alternate investment suggestions


Registered User
I am interested in investing some money but am looking for something other than stocks and bonds. I want an investment that will give me regular interest - preferably on a monthly or quarterly basis. I considered just leaving my money closed in the bank but the interest rates are currently so low and I want a better return on my money. Anybody have some interesting suggestions or recommendations for alternate investments?
And why would you not consider stocks and bonds? Low risk portfolios are primarily constructed from stocks, bonds and cash, with possibly a few percent of alternative assets such as property, commodities and so on. The reason being that such assets are considered too risky to to form one of the main elements of a portfolio.
Well said Jim,

You know what they call "alternative" investments that have been shown by Financial Economists to have investment characteristics - investments

How does tax work on it
Income tax rate plus prsi and USC
What about CGT
Or is it dirt rate plus prsi you pay on interest

This is alternative investing! In fact this alternative investing in the extreme as the companies don't even qualify as small caps, to say nothing of the fact that 8 or 9 small businesses are going to fail and that is after screening…

Buy a share in a blue chip and you'll get a reasonable dividend and some growth over time.

Invest in one of these companies and you'll get no dividend with an 80 to 90 percent chance of loosing everything!
I've used LinkedFinance. All companies are vetted, with over three years trading history and are seeking to expand with some finance cheaper then what the banks can give (if they can give at all).

Also, all amounts loaned are lower then €500, so you have perfect diversification between loads of different companies.

By avoiding the global casino which is international stocks - you support local businesses, retain/create jobs and get to know the folk you've loaned to..

If you are interested in supporting local industry, creating jobs etc, that is one thing. But don't for a minute confuse that with serious investing because it does not come close.

First of all none of those companies come close to being a small cap and even if one did you'd need at a minimum al least five years trading results to even begin an analysis. And after all that, you'd still need to keep the asset allocation low, say max 20% of you equities to have a relatively low risk portfolio.

As for diversification, you're investing a very small open economy and within that economy you are investing in the riskiest ones around - the ones who can't raise capital any other way. It really does not matter if you hold 10 or 100 positions, you are still far more exposed than you need to.

By all means support a cause if you want to but don't recommend it as a wise way of investing, because it just isn't!