Hyundai Santa Fe vs. Volvo XC 70??


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hi there

I know that is an unusual mix but have test drove a number of cars and it is down to these two.. Basically the options are a year old Hyundai Santa Fe or spending more money and getting a 05/04 Volvo XC 70.. I really liked the Volvo - but is it a bit mad to spend so much money on what is a 4 year old car?? I preface all of the above by saying I know nothing about cars...
advice appreciated.
PS we are looking for a car which can take 3 car seats and we wont have to change for 4/5 years. Do about 60km a day and it would be our main family car... Thanks!!
I know a couple of people with santa fes up to 2 years old and they swear by them. If the badge doesn't bother you then its a no-brainer.
I drive the Hyundai Tuscon, one size down so to speak from the Santa Fe and I swear by it.It's an 07 and never a moments bother with it so far. When I was looking this was the name that was thrown up at me time and again by friends as they are apparently reliable and easy to fix if something does go wrong.
As I had originally set out to get the Santa Fe I had a few bob left by going for the Tuscon so I spent it on some extras, reverse parking sensors,better stereo and a DVD player.
Planning to have this car for at least another three years and happy with that.
Owners typically have very few complaints about the Santa Fé - great value, reliable and OK to drive. As mentioned, if you don't care about the slightly downmarket badge, a good buy.
Owners typically have very few complaints about the Santa Fé - great value, reliable and OK to drive. As mentioned, if you don't care about the slightly downmarket badge, a good buy.

I didn't know it was considered a down market badge still, I love my car.
I didn't know it was considered a down market badge


Actually I should've been more specific "considered by many to have a downmarket image..."

...because personally, I wouldn't have those concerns.
"considered by many to have a downmarket image..."

I'm sure we've all come across other cars with what would be perceived as an "upmarket image" but where the performance / quality / reliability doesn't match the image.

I think the Santa Fe is a lovely motor, would prefer it to the Audi, think the Xc70 is a whale of a thing, then again once you're in it at least you don't have to look at it.
Cat among pigeons maybe, but wouldn't it be fairer to compare the XC60 / XC90 with the Tuscon / Santa Fé (XC70 is an estate, the others are SUV's / Terenure Tractors).
Cat among pigeons maybe, but wouldn't it be fairer to compare the XC60 / XC90 with the Tuscon / Santa Fé (XC70 is an estate, the others are SUV's / Terenure Tractors).

Valid point normarilly but the OP did say it was an "unusual mix" when he asked for views on these two.

Personally I'd have the rather cute, reliable, not downmarket at all (the wink's for Caveat) Hyundai.
Santa Fe we had at work gave all sorts of trouble including clutch and suspension. Although that was a 03 model and things may have improved since then.
Hi I am on my fourth Santa Fe and I love it. Don't know much about the XC70 but just another point if the Santa Fe is a year old you have two years left on the manufacturers warranty so thats worth something as well. Best of Luck,
hey there - thanks everyone for the replies- looks like the santa fe is going to get another test drive!! It is not necessarily the brand that is an issue -am not really into cars so wouldnt pay more for a perceived luxury marque- its just I thought the Volvo was very nice on the inside and had loads of space+ heated seats (I know, but it is cold at the moment!!)
Now better start haggling and trying to get a good deal!! Any suggestions??
Just last night I was talking to a guy who renewed his Santa Fe every year for the last few years and it usually cost him 6-6.5k, which was well worth it to be honest.However, when he rang about changing it this year the dealer, who is a personal friend of his, told him not to bother as he'd have to give 12k to trade up. Don't know the new prices but maybe that info might help you decide a fair price.