Hyundai Santa Fe 4WD automatic diesel 2.4


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I currently have an 2008 Hyundai Santa Fe manual 2 wheel drive, but am anxious to change it as its road-holding is atrocious - the wheels spin almost any time I accelerate hard. It is worse than useless on icy roads or in snow. Also, I will need to occasionally pull a horsebox.
I want to change to a 4WD version and the one I am looking at is an automatic. Any one have any comments on 4WD automatic Santa Fe and its roadholding and pulling power? I need to change asap. I am currently looking at a 2007 model.
In general, automatic gearboxes don't like pulling big things like horse boxes or caravans. They tend to wear out sooner.
Yes, but that's a semi-automatic box, which is run off the same torque converter as the automatic box.