Hyundai coupe or Toyota Celica?



Here`s my latest choice....Hyundai coupe 1.6, Oct 2007 with 17,000 miles on it and four years to run on manufacturers warranty or a Jan 2005 Toyota Celica with 33,000 miles on it, no warranty, which is still in the Uk? Both will cost me the same amount.
Which one would you choose?
Probably the Celica, the classy of the two. The Hyundai coupe is so claustrophobic. Went to buy one once but was turned off it straight away. Celica has much more of a resale value despite the two year difference and the lack of warranty. Take it by your post that you are smitten by the coupe! Only my opinion.
I'd have to agree - Celica! The coupe's are nice on the indside and fairly solid, but they are generally a heavier car than the Celica, which with the 6 speed gear box makes it a fair bit more economical than the coupe. Which in the end of the day is just a flashy Elantra.

I have a celica and I've driven the coupe, and i have to say i 'd probably get bored with the coupe a little quicker!
Usual caveats apply to a UK car. HPI, fsh. Check everything before purchasing.
Haven't driven a coupé but by all accounts the 1.6 is underpowered for a start. I'm sure the Celica will be nicer to drive and hold it's value better.
I drive a Hyundai Coupe and my partner has a Celica. We both prefer the Coupe - it is a smooth comfortable drive and hasn't given me a single problem since I got it. The Celica has had about five flat wheels in the past 12 months - a mechanic told us this was a common problem with Celicas as they are so low to the ground. I don't find the Coupe clautrophobic at all - although the back is tight and would definetly not be suitable if you regulary have anyone in the back seat (same applies to Celica).
I had a coupe for years.....absolutely loved it. Was a great car, never never let me down. The only difficulty was it started to become difficult to get out of!!!! old age eh!
Thanks for all the replies I`m really confused! hehe.
I was definitely going for the celica but have had so much trouble getting a decent one i.e. I would have to go to UK for a decent spec, seems to be only basic models in Ireland plus the fact that they stopped making them in 2006 has me a bit put off. Reading reviews of them brings me to believe that they are not the most reliable of the Toyota range too.
Most people who have the Hyundai seem to like them and they seem to be very reliable, the warranty helps too! The only drawback for me re the Hyundai would be lack of power so I`m of today to test drive one and frighten the bejeesus out of the garage junior who is sent out with me!hehe.
I`ll report back tonight on my findings....
The Celica has had about five flat wheels in the past 12 months - a mechanic told us this was a common problem with Celicas as they are so low to the ground.

So are the tyres on other cars not rolling over the ground too ?
I'm sorry, but your mechanic is talking twaddle.
I take it you mean flat tyres, not flat wheels. Punctures aren't affected by the ride-height.
If you mean damaged wheels, then that could be caused by stiffer suspension and hitting potholes (although 5 in a year would suggest that the style of driving needs to be looked at).
Is the Hyundai Coupe for your wife?

It is a ladies car you know.
AHHHH Jeez guys...I hate ya`ll now!!! That`s what I was dreadin`...ok, I`m back to Celica again will probably wait `till january at this stage as something always comes up to stop me buying lately, I`ve been looking for the past three months now, but I`m in no rush as you can probably tell. So when the whole used car market goes belly-up we can blame it on the AAM posters advisin` me not to buy! hehe...