A thought that has occurred to me.
Given that some developers are unable to sell existing units in new housing estates and therefore are now making these house available in greater numbers to county councils under the affordable housing scheme.......
I know it is a hypothetical question and only is relevant if & when X & Y sell their houses and have buyers willing to buy them......
X has bought a house in the estate for €400k with 92% mortgage etc (€368,000) prior to current property situation.
Y has now bought same house in the estate under AH for €300k with 92% mortgage. (€276,000)
A few years on, both X & Y are hoping to sell up & move on.
Due to the size of his remaining mortgage Y can afford to put his house on the market at a price much lower than X. X will now have to sell his house at a similiar price to Y if he wants to move on.
Due to his outstanding mortgage X cannot afford to sell his house at "Y's" selling price and cannot afford to move.
Y sells house and moves on.
Why would anyone now buy a new house when there is still such huge price disparity with AH ? X would have been better buying the house as AH
Given that some developers are unable to sell existing units in new housing estates and therefore are now making these house available in greater numbers to county councils under the affordable housing scheme.......
I know it is a hypothetical question and only is relevant if & when X & Y sell their houses and have buyers willing to buy them......
X has bought a house in the estate for €400k with 92% mortgage etc (€368,000) prior to current property situation.
Y has now bought same house in the estate under AH for €300k with 92% mortgage. (€276,000)
A few years on, both X & Y are hoping to sell up & move on.
Due to the size of his remaining mortgage Y can afford to put his house on the market at a price much lower than X. X will now have to sell his house at a similiar price to Y if he wants to move on.
Due to his outstanding mortgage X cannot afford to sell his house at "Y's" selling price and cannot afford to move.
Y sells house and moves on.
Why would anyone now buy a new house when there is still such huge price disparity with AH ? X would have been better buying the house as AH