Husband on UB, Im finished Maternity but was self employed. What can I claim?


Registered User
Hi all -

DH lost his job in January this year and is getting UB.

I finished Maternity leave in January too but had no job to go back to as I was self employed and the business had to close whilst I was pregnant as I was sick, but as I'm also actively looking for full time work I also get UB plus we both get the half rate for each child(2).

Is there anything else we can claim for - we get some mortgage supplement but its only €30 a week that doesn't go far to paying off the mortgage which is €720 a month.

Many thanks
Re: What can I claim?

Have you been in touch with your mortgage provider who may negotiate a better deal temporarily until one or both of you get back to work.
Have you considered applying for a medical Card.
You may already be aware that you can return to the CWO for a once-off payment (called Urgent Needs Payment) in the case of financial crisis, say an ESB bill that included arrears
Re: What can I claim?

Hi thanks for that - we have the medical card sorted - didn't know about the once off payment.

Are there any fuel allowances etc?
Re: What can I claim?

you can get fuel allowance but the payment is now finished til sept, but if you think you qualified you could claim it and get it backdated if you explain you didnt know you were entitled. you can bring your esb and gas bills down to cwo and also if the children need things you cant afford like clothes etc you can get a once off payment for these
Re: What can I claim?

If your child(ren) are over 2 years, you may qualify for the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Scheme, which starts in May/June and runs through the summer. You can apply for this at your local CWO office.

Persons on Jobseeker's Benefit do not qualify for a fuel allowance - they may qualify for smog allowance, but I don't think it can be backdated. Check at the local Social Welfare Office.

The once-off payment which the CWO may be able to help you with is called an Exceptional Needs Payment, not an urgent needs payment (which is slightly different).
Hi Dove,

Ive expanded the title of your question. Let me know if this does not accurately reflect the question.
