Husband in poor health - do I advise insurers?


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My husband had a heart attack on Friday and we have mortgage protection and a dual life assurance policy in place. Should I inform the respective insurers? Both policies have been in place for the last 4 years, the dual life policy is valid for a further 6 years, the mortgage protection for the next 18 years.
Check the terms & conditions of the policy in case you need to do this. I would not expect this to be necessary though.
It isn't necessary. The policy of insurance is underwritten, and the premiums calculated, based on the facts - ages, sums assured, smoking habits, term, and medical history of the applicants at the time of proposal.

As long as the truth was told back then there's no issue.

I do hope your husband recovers fully OP.

p.s. If you have critical illness cover you may have grounds for making a claim.
Hope your husband makes a full and swift recovery.

Ditto to the other response, but if you went through a broker call them, that's what they were paid for.
I am sure your husband will make a full recovery, it's a scary and frightening time for all concerned. All the same treatments have improved dramatically so try not to worry too much. Good luck.
Thanx for all the advice and good wishes...I did ring my broker and they advised me as per RS2K. They have noted it on their own systems but it make no difference to the policies already in place.

As an aside he appears to be on the mend and is in good hands - thanx again