Husband Going Bankrupt in NI - Devastated

Help Please; 44 Brendans advice is 100% good.

Great to hear you now have a Competent Insolvency Person on board.
Now (a bit more nannying!)
Make sure both of you meet the new Insolvency person, so as you now both sing off the one sheet.With both of you at it ,it clears all the deadwood once and for all.

Get conclusion and get on with your new lives. plus with new baby!
Hi, have been reading your blog and my heart goes out for you, so want to set you right about Bankruptsy in NI as some of the advise or comments are very misleading. Firstly, although your husband is with family in the North, (which is an added bonus,) if master Kelly gets any sort of a whiff that he has a wife and children in the south, she will not entertain him, unfortunately you'll have to pretend that you have split up. Sorry! but she has to be assured that all ties with the south have been broken!!!seems silly especially as the judges overseas seem to be so compassionate, not Master kelly!! Also, in relation to travel, you are not allowed to leave Northern Ireland for the year, or as long as it takes to be cleared, not even to England or the Republic without an Affidavit to the court asking permission and £115 to be paid each time . these are the facts, thought it better to let you know, as they say " Fail to prepare , prepare to fail" wishing you all the luck in the world,

Hi mcNally

Just out of curiosity - if the OP wanted to visit his wife for a weekend, is that not allowed? How would the courts know in any case?

The rules up there seem really strict in comparison to the UK !

Hi NM,
I really have no idea if movements between north and south can be monitored, besides the toll bridges, which can be avoided, ( now sounding like a criminal on the run, but sadly, thats what we have been reduced to!!) I am just stating fact, besides, a wife cannot be mentioned in this case unless she is up here too, all ties with the south must be severed, . believe me, you need to be so well prepared for judge kelly, she'll tie you up in knots. unless by chance the husband in question is originally from the north,?? its only southerners she has a problem with.?? \and yes, nobody seems to talk about the difficulty up here, I certainly learned the hard way, maybe they are too ashamed and too demoralized to talk, when so many are gloating about the relaxed system in the uk

Wow that's absolutely crazy ! I went over to England and it was nothing compared to the stories I've heard about the North.
I was telling the forum about two years ago about the issues up North. One couple I advised moved North with their child, lived worked and schooled and still they were made to wait until 12 months had been and gone before the order was eventually made at a third hearing, I think it has has the desired effect in that now nobody goes North for their bankruptcies.
Unfortunately Steve, i didn't read any blogs, wish i did.!you are so good giving your time helping the distracted.