Huntstown Road Dublin 15


Registered User
Hi there, can anyone please let me know anything about Huntstown Road....i.e safety, buses, shops etc. Thanks a million
Re: Huntstown Road Dublin 15 ????

The area itself is ok, its what you are beside that is the problem. Expect to hear robbed cars and alarms a lot, and quite unsafe to walk around at night
Re: Huntstown Road Dublin 15 ????

Thanks for the info jammacjam.... I'm a struggling FTB running out of ideas and options!
Re: Huntstown Road Dublin 15 ????

Don’t buy up there you would be mad, there is a reason they are so cheap. Try Ongar or areas like that, or Lohunda estate which I think is a similar price are nicer location wise, they are beside newer houses rather then places where you hear about on the news.
Re: Huntstown Road Dublin 15 ????

horrible area - was renting there for a month and moved out as it was so unpleasant.
You could try Allendale too. The development is comprised of apartments and houses and is closer to the train.
Castlecurragh is also a nice place...and reasonably priced......I've been living there for the last 3 years and had no matter where you buy in that general area you are going to be beside a dodgy area......