hse staff pensions


Registered User
I retired from the hse six months ago after 27 years working.
i gave them 3 months advance notice as I was told there might be some delay in receiving my pension.
I have got nothing six months later.
they have said they're still trying to verify my service.
i thought i was alone in this but on speaking to others it seems delays of up to 6 months are not unusual.
it seems that often even after 6 months many people are only given a partial pension and lump sum and have to wait a number of months more.
Speaking to others it seems no one gets their pension from the hse directly on retirement.
it seems health workers just accept this as the way things are.
Has anyone else heard of or experienced such delays?
Could this be a deliberate policy to withhold what must be significant amounts of money from workers for significant periods of time?
Frank, as somebody who worked in the HSE I can categorically say that the amount of people who want addition of previous service either from another public service body or the civil service or even a Health Board is phenomenal. Worse again many of these wait until just before retirement or just on retirement to inform the Personnel section of the previous service. This service has to be verified by the other bodies. Very often their records are consigned to some obscure storage agency and often there is difficulty in obtaining hard proof of the time you spent there. The obligation is on you to provide such records when you changed employment.

Now, if in past years you did provide the HSE with proof of your previous service and supplied letters from your previous employer/section, then disgracefully the HSE is at fault.
thanks for that Leper,
yes i did indeed provide proof of a period worked with another entity (now hse) and documentation from the hse accepting it as reconable for inclusion in my service. the rest of my time was in the only other job i had, with the hse
why would the obligation be on the worker to provide proof of employment at a health board or public service body?
it still seems very unreasonable to make a worker wait such an extended period of time to be paid their pension.
and it seems to be a common problem.