HSE data breach


Registered User
Just been informed today that I am one of those whose data was illegally accessed & copied during data breach of May 2021.
I've just gone through steps to create account so I can request exactly what data was taken. Initial letter says bank details, staff number etc (I am also HSE staff member) Find it quite incredible that it's almost year & a half later before I'm informed of this. Anyone else find themselves in same boat?
As a precaution to should probably change passwords on all online accounts (ideally to unique strong ones) just in case. Use a password manager if necessary. And enable two/multi-factor authentication on any accounts that support it as an option.
Yes totally but I thought HSE would have been more proactive in issuing new staff number & perhaps advising on steps like u have above.
And now unable to access the relevant site even tho I've registered
Is there no compensation for those affected?

I am not impacted myself as far as I know, but dont the organisations that had the data breach get fined? And should the money for that fine go to those impacted?
I am not impacted myself as far as I know, but dont the organisations that had the data breach get fined? And should the money for that fine go to those impacted?
Fines for regulatory failings go to the exchequer, in part funding the regulatory structure. Compensation for any loss suffered by citizens is an entirely separate matter and is generally one the individual needs to take up.

It used to be more common that breached companies or institutions would at least pay for credit monitoring services for a time after the breach, but that is rare these days.
Seems to be issue... I've registered but not able to log in.... Cannot be found... Just typical

If you feel you’re entitled to compensation in respect of a breach of your data it’s ultimately a private matter between you and the offending party.