HP Halfway rule dilemma!




I have a bit of a dilemma as I will be handing my car back shortly on the halfway rule due to not being able to afford it anymore, however, a sensor has just gone in the car and it is extremely expensive to replace (out of warranty) so my question is can I hand it back with the sensor gone which is an extremely common fault that should warrant a recall but they wont do anything about it. I dont have the money to get it fixed but I need to hand it back so what can I do? Any ideas would be much appreciated thanks.
Well, can it be described as normal wear or tear?, or would that even make a difference?

If you feel the problem warrants a re-call then you must seek one.. or otherwise apply for a refund on the grounds that the car was not fit for sale, or fit for purpose, etc etc..

dont know wether this is what you want to hear, but it looks liek you must fix it before handing it back.

Hi thank you for your replies,

I have researched the problem and it is widespread in both ireland and the uk. It is a sensor for a safety feature and I have tried to get it repaired on goodwill as many others have. The company seems to pick and choose who they will give goodwill to and how much they will contribute, while many like myself get refused. The car is in perfect condition, this sensor failure is not of my doing and cannot be damaged by a servicing as it is in a sealed unit. So it is a defect in the production of the unit.

I feel as if I will have to pay the extortionate price for it to be repaired but thought I may not have to due to the fact it is a manufacturing fault and not damage caused by me.
Go into the main dealer (where it was bought) and kick up a stink...from my experience, they usually listen to those who shout loudest....

Otherwise....try a car scrapyard/breaker....even newish cars get wrote off and you might get it for half the price!

You could also search the net for a spurious alternative (i.e. cheaper non-genuine part)
Thank you for your replies I have gone to dealers and kicked up a stink but it was falling on deaf ears. The car manufacturers will not cover it as it is out of warranty, no full main dealer history etc etc. So I will just have to search scrap yards for replacement part and once it sorts the car and is working for when handing the car back then that will do.