HP- Half rule -successfully challenged HP company's estimate of damage


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This section says that when you return a car under the half rule you must have taken care of the car to a reasonable standard.
Quote 3) "Where a hire-purchase agreement has been determined under this section, the hirer shall, if he has failed to take reasonable care of the goods, be liable to pay for the failure."

What is reasonable and has anybody here challenged an assessor sent by the bank to assess the repair cost of your car.

After much thought I'm retuning my car under the half rule. The banks assessor wrote a report saying it would cost €2300 to fix the damage to the car..namely scratches, mssing badge that never existed in the first place..The car is worth approx: 6k when you check it against similiar cars. €5300 outstaning when i ended the agreement.
While there are some scratches they are to me normal for a car that is 5.5 years old.

Getting back to reasonable care. I have records of regular servicing, Its recently passed its NCT. The car looks well and have taken approx: 30 photos . The scratches are not visible on any of the photos. The mileage is low.

I would have thought that above was evidence of taking reasonable car of the car.
If I refuse to pay the amount the banks assessor says is to repair damage would this go as far as court or collection company and do you think a Judge would think that reasonable car was taken of the car. By the way, I bought the car second hand too and most of the scratches they mentioned were there when I bought the car.

What happens if a collection company gets involved.
ok, I think I've answered by own question here..

I sent the bank photos which showed that the Assessors report did not correspond to the photos. . They agree that the report from their assesor was misleading. They reduced what they were looking for by two thirds which I rejected and then they reduced it again to 20% of their original figure. I will accept on condition that the account is considered complete. They have agreed to this.

Moral of the story... Just because a professional says something in a report does not make it true. Challenge it if you do not agree with it.

I suspect all of this was a tactic by the bank to get more money from me..