How would they fix scruffy paintwork on nearly new car

Bubbly Scot

Registered User
I took a car home last night with a view to buying it. It's an 07, low milage and perfect in every way except for some light scratches on all the doors. Nothing going down to the metal and it's smooth to touch, just not as tidy looking as I'd like a car of this age to be. Looks like it's been driven down a few country lanes. When I took it back the saleman said they could sort it with a buffer/petrol.
How would this affect the car in the near future? Will those scratches show up again on the next wash? Is it worth trying to negotiate a price and then having someone else touch it up?
If the scratches are as minor as you describe, T-cut, or as they say even a dab of petrol should bring it up nicely enough.

How this will last long term might also depend on the colour - silver paint tends to show scratches less than navy or black. Maybe buy some T-cut yourself and washing the car with wash/wax combination stuff helps keep scratches at bay.

Doubt you could negotiate price based on this though as the car is 2nd hand - minor scratches can appear surprisingly quickly on cars only a few months old - it's to be expected really. No harm in mentioning it though.
Doubt you could negotiate price based on this though as the car is 2nd hand - minor scratches can appear surprisingly quickly on cars only a few months old - it's to be expected really. No harm in mentioning it though.

You were right, couldn't get anything off for the scratches but managed to get a good deal (and a bunch of flowers!). I did buy it in the end, it's going back next week to get the bodywork spruced up but I'm not overly concerned. By the time I've had it a month I won't know what came with the car and what's from my own driving down country lanes.

Thanks for the feedback.