How/where to dispose of smoke alarm?


Registered User
I have a no longer functioning smoke alarm. I have disposed of the battery and the plastic casing separately. Any idea how/where I should dispose of the main mechanism which includes the PCB, electronic components and, most significantly, the radioactive sensor unit - other than posting it to Tehran or Pyongyang?
The following is based on what the the Australian Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety Agency have to say...
[broken link removed]

The preferred method of disposal for individual or small numbers of smoke alarms is to include them in the domestic rubbish. This is considered acceptable because:
  • The amount of radioactive material in each smoke alarm is extremely small and, from environmental and public health perspectives, the disposal of individual smoke alarms with domestic rubbish does not represent any hazard;
  • The radioactive material is securely bound in a metal foil within the smoke alarm; and
  • The amount of naturally-occurring alpha-emitting radioactivity in normal soils is equivalent to a dozen or more smoke alarms in every cubic metre.
The dispersal of smoke alarms, even in large numbers, through refuse land-fill sites is therefore not significant in comparison.
Try your local civic amenity centre. I saw a couple of smoke alarms in the small domestic appliance section (vacuums, toasters etc) of mine last Saturday. Or give them a call, even if they don't officially take them they might know who does.
Thanks. I'm inclined to chuck it in the bin so based on what tt225 says above but I'll check at the local Bring centre first.
Have a look at
They suggest returning the things to the supplier.
Thanks Hoagy - good suggestion but I already disposed of the plastic casing so I have no details of the manufacturer now! I'll do as I said earlier - check with Bring and chuck it if it comes to it.