How to you deter sales people calling to your house.



Just had a girl from Eircom Phonewatch call to my door trying to sell an alarm. It's just the latest in a long line of cold callers ranging from the women trying to sell home insurance to the foreign students trying to sell paintings. Is it a lot to ask that one can go home after a hard days work and not have to answer your door and tell these people that you're not interested?

Is there any way to get some peace in the evenings?

Have 3 cats so a dog is out of the question.

If i bought some gates and closed them in the evenings, would they take the hint and not enter the property?
Get one of these to answer your door they might call once but they'll never call again.
I've done a bit of cold calling in my time (not anymore) and believe me closing the gate doesn't do it, best way is a big dog.
Try this , it might work. Print the following in large font and laminate. Attach to door at night with blu tack, if they still call , at least then you can berate them guiltfree as they have been warned.



Far too long. A simple 'No Cold Callers' will be far more effective.
Signs in all CAPITALS are more difficult to read that signs in Mixed Case. You can expect the local politicians to be knocking between now and June, so you might want to include them as well.
I never answer the door unless I'm expecting someone which means I tend to avoid 90% of cold callers.
I never answer the door unless I'm expecting someone which means I tend to avoid 90% of cold callers.

I rarely answer the door unless I'm expecting someone.

I'd buy a sign, short and sweet "No Cold Callers" or similar, I've seen these on properties ranging from a few words to a jokey verse (I'd go with the few words option).
You will have to do this a number of times but it is worth it:

When you open the door or answer the phone tell the seller you are busy but really really interested in what they have to say.
Ask them when do they finish for the night as you'd love to discuss the offer.
Suppose they say 9, you then ask if they'll be home by 9.30.
Then ask for their phone number/ home address and say you'll call over around 10.
The reaction is always I don't take calls at home and you can guess the rest...
Honestly its worth it to see the reaction. Always great fun. Its the little things in life....

Way too long, that's a lot of waffe. Wow, they'll meet rudeness, that'll scare them for sure. Sure a pushy salesman might even take that as a challenge to see if they can get a sale.
Keep it short no more then 3 or 4 words.

Like others I wouldn't answer the door if I'm not expecting anyone. Let then knock, I just ignore it.
Sure it could be the TV Licence inspector
I disconnected my bell many years ago. People who know us knock. We see very few sales people. If I happen to open the door to some unwanted caller I say something like "I'll have to stop you there, our policy is not to buy, give or sign anything at the door, thanks anyway".

Agree and I use this quote particularly with Charity collectors.
A lot of them seem to work for agencies that provide cold calling services i.e. you are liable to see the same bunch of people selling different products/charities at different times.

I pays to get a reputation for being rude amongst the cold calling agencies. With most you can always think of some way of being rude or intrusive to the extent that they or their colleagues never call again. You could give them a lecture about cold calling and slam the door in their face. You can also try asking one or more of the following intrusive questions (pick as appropriate) which will make them avoid you like the plague:

1. What's your name, I hope you're paying tax on your income from this?
2. What's your name, I didnt think they give out work permits for cold calling? (for non-EU callers selling stuff - seem to be used by certain phone/internet companies).
3. What's your charities registration number? I want to check that you are legit before contributing.
4. Can you wait while I ring the local Garda station to confirm that your permit to collect money for charity is in order?

From your answer, that's definitely a given, i.e. that they will meet rudeness. Some of us don't necessarily like being rude particularly to people, many of whom are just trying to make a living this way and maybe don't have a lot of choice in the matter.Hence the warning re potential rudeness. Also we like to feel that any of our neighbours who need us for something feel free to call even if it is inconvenient so yes the door is answered. It really does make our community a nicer one.
I pays to get a reputation for being rude amongst the cold calling agencies. With most you can always think of some way of being rude or intrusive to the extent that they or their colleagues never call again.

I don't agree with this approach. There's no need to be rude in any walk of life, they're just trying to make a living. A simple sign will do the trick.
I pays to get a reputation for being rude amongst the cold calling agencies. With most you can always think of some way of being rude or intrusive to the extent that they or their colleagues never call again.
You over-estimate their efficiency in your rush to rudeness. I've never heard of any of these agencies maintaining 'do not call' lists.

They dont have right to enter peoples property and inconvenience them in order to make a living. A lot of them are somewhat dodgy - making a living by preying on unsuspecting vulnerable people such as pensioners is not a noble profession.
If I get caught out with unwanted callers I tell them I'm the housekeeper/sitter and owners will be back very late, always works
I do similar. I love it when they call, nearly always eircom.
Would you be interested in phonewatch, say yes and their eyes light up, then when they tell you you have to be with eircom you say, Oh I couldnt switch to eircom, too expensive and quote what youre paying with BT and watch them squirm away from losing the sale.
I agree, it is the little things.
The day they come round and offer something cheaper then what I have, I will accept.
I never answer the door unless I'm expecting someone which means I tend to avoid 90% of cold callers.

I used to take this approach until late last year.

One Sunday morning the bell rang and I, as usual ignored it. Two minutes later I heard a window smash downstairs. I had never been more petrified in my life. Fortunately I had my mobile and was able to call the police. They arrived within minutes and arrested the guy.

Ever since then I answer the door and put up with cold callers.


My front door has a small circle of frosted glass so I can just about make out who it is. When I see that its someone I don't know or am not expecting I turn the light off in the hall (if its on) and don't answer it. Its has worked so far.