How to split tax credits efficiently between husband and wife?


Registered User
Hi just a bit confused about tax credits, I earn abt 47.5k, my husband earns 33k, on the revenue website its is recommending to split tax credits of 2,075 for me and 5,377 for him is this right? Anyone got any recommendations on what way to split it as most of the bills are paid by me, loan, car loan , house mtg etc?
Surely you should have more tax credits as you are paying higher tax?
You can change your allocation of tax credits in myaccount.

If you are not happy with the automatic allocation done by revenue, you have the option to decide what allocation you would prefer.
This is done by clicking on the box marked " proceed with a different request" and then typing in your request into the text box.
Yes thanks for that just seen that earlier.
Is there any tax calculator to see the different outcome of both possibilities?
Yes I would of thought so but that's how revenue spilt them, I will probably look at amending them, thanks

Don't just look at it, do it! The ratio of your income is roughly 60:40, so why not assign yourself 60% of the credits and give him the remaining 40%, if he agrees!

Then, if after a couple of paycheques the two of you don't like that split, you could go back in and revise the allocations again.
Note that if you revise the allocations a second time, then one of you will have overpaid tax, so will get a refund, and the other will have underpaid so will be taxed a bit more in their next salary period! (So its best to do it early in the tax year so the differences aren't too big!)
Okay thanks for that.
Thanks however still not sure what credits to allocate to who at this stage I will try and get in touch with revenue

The PAYE tax credit is not transferable.

So the only transferable tax credit will be the married tax credit.
There's little enough point in worrying much about this. Just make sure you get a balancing statement after the tax year end.