How to spend your SSIA ....


Registered User

Noticed this in the papers at the weekend (think it was the Irish Independent - Sunday ?)

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Seems to be a site set up to help flog you things, unless I've missed something but might be worth a look ( only just visited it, so not sure how good the services offered will be yet ? )

have fun !


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Yep this was in the papers a few weeks ago. Basically somebody has spotted a great chance to make a few bob by piggybacking on the whole thing this year; he builds a straightforward website, mentions it to every journalist he can find and hey presto he's got a valuable web property that companies will pay to partner with....fair play to him!
Not based on anything but instinct, but I think there's going to be less SSIA spending than some retailers and businesses are hoping for. I have a feeling a lot of SSIAs will be either reinvested or used to pay down debt.
For what it's worth there are several existing "how will you spend your SSIA/how will you invest post SSIA maturity" threads that should be accessible by browsing/searching the site.