How to sort out house issue after separation?



Have separated after 10 years. Partner bought house 1 month before I arrived so we would have a place to live. Partner paid deposit, stamp duty fees and lawyers fees. I sold up everything and came to Ireland to see if relationship would work out. Financially this cost me money also ie shipping, giving up job etc. As soon as i arrived i began to pay half of mortgage and we split all bills. Relationship evolved and lasted 10 years. During relationship partner always referred to house as ours. I paid half for all renovations etc.

Partner sold house/our home and we bought a new one 2 years ago. Partner put equity from her legal house(our home in practice) into mortage of new home which is now in our joint names. We have separated and now partner is trying to get back equity from their old house/our home. Partner is now trying to treat me as a tenant and not their partner. I will be consulting a lawyer but would like any feedback or other people's experiences in this type of situaion so that i know what to expect.
Unless you were married, under Irish law you will be treated like strangers. Therefore whatever you can prove you put into the property or properties financially you should be able to get back. My other advice to you would be to try to come to a settlement with this ex partner in an amicable manner as this will save you time, money ( not least in legal fees) and stress.
Not married. During our negotiations I received letter from Partner's lawyer asking for equity from her original home. I had suggested mediation but obviously she is going the heavy handed route.
As Vanilla said above you should be able to get back what you can prove to have put into the property. I wouldn't worry too much about the solicitor's letter you received they are just trying to negotiate a favourable settlement for their client like your solicitor should do for you. Hopefully you come to a settlement that you are both happy with.