How to sell a house with smelly dogs living in it?



Anyone care to advise how one might sell a house with apparantly smelly dogs living in it between viewings?

These are house dogs. They will not be banished to a shed.

No matter how much the house is cleaned, a sensitive nose is apparantly still capable of getting the whiff of them around the place.
Anyone care to advise how one might sell a house with apparently smelly dogs living in it between viewings?

What do you mean 'apparently'? Is it that you have been advised this but you can't smell them yourself?

In fairness they probably do smell a lot more strongly than you may realise.

Shampoo the dogs, clean all carpets and upholstery thoroughly at least once, then treat with odour eliminator frequently between viewings, have the smell of ground fresh coffee and rashers filling the house (which supposedly appeals to the emotions of potential buyers anyway) and hope for the best.

Don't think you'll ever completely get rid of the normal 'doggy' smell, but I don't think most reasonable people would find that too off putting.

You definitely don't want 'old musty doggy' smell though.
Anyone care to advise how one might sell a house with apparantly smelly dogs living in it between viewings?...
One must banish one's dogs to one's local kennels and fumigate one's house from top to bottom.

"You definitely don't want 'old musty doggy' smell though. " One defo does not.
One would miss the dog terribly for the year or more that it might take to sell one's house... But one would be happy to banish them to a kennel for a day or so before each viewing, while mad defumigation is taking place.

The mother-in-law thinks they smell. I don't smell a thing, but I'll take her word for it!.

Thanks for the great suggestions.

Whats a good odour eliminator?

Why can't a "normal dog smell" ever be completely banished, or can it?

You are probably de-sensitised to the smell of the dogs. Dogs do smell, even clean dogs smell. Personally it would not put me off buying the house (unless it was so foul that I was gagging or something), but it would make me think that carpets might need binning, which of course would affect the price.

Also if there's other similar houses in your area for similar prices, the ones that don't smell of dog will probably be the ones people buy. I'm not sure getting rid of the dogs before each viewing would be enough tbh.

As for an odour eliminator, bread/baking soda works a treat on bad smells like sick (that the likes of Vanish just cover up with another horrible smell), but that's for specific areas where something has got on the carpet. Not sure for a wider smell like dogs - maybe some scented candles would help?

Have you considered replacing any carpets with wooden floors? At least where the dogs are anyway... I know it's money, but it could be money well spent to sell the house. (I just realised I sound like House Doctor now).
The mother-in-law thinks they smell. I don't smell a thing, but I'll take her word for it!. ...
MILs are always right.

Doggy smells are hard to shift, especially from soft furnishings (carpets, rugs, etc) and you'll need plenty of carpet shampoo and something like Fabreze as well as the coffee and fresh baked bread smell while "showing" the house.
get a spray called Nature's Miracle - it's an enzymatic spray which perfectly removes the odor of animals, even their pee ...

Would prefer a doggy smell to a rasher smell I think!
Lillies ! They smell beautiful and last a few good few days ! Or invest in a Yankee Candle , gorgeous !

Ps dogs smell even when freshly washed unfortunately !
Lillies ! They smell beautiful and last a few good few days ! Or invest in a Yankee Candle , gorgeous !

Ps dogs smell even when freshly washed unfortunately !

A dog's coat when combined with water is like exposing a woollen coat to rain...

Stink. To. The. High. Heavens.
Doubleglaze, I have a cat and found out, that no matter what kind of aromatic stuff you use, the body smell can only be removed with a special product designed to remove animal odours, the scents will only cover it superficially but never completely.
if you cannot find the spray i recommended /i ordered it from the us but you can get in over here - it's called hygiene spray/. i'm not connected with the manufacturer, just found out that it was the only stuff that worked, you can treat any "smelly" corners with a biologicial washing powder, rub it in and then vacuum clean.
vinegar is also quite recommended, just clean well in advance, then give the house some good airing and allow the spots to dry properly.
afterwards use any candles or scents you like just don't overdo it - too much scent is suspicious
The Odlums 'Quick Bread' range is very handy for this purpose! Just don't forget it in the oven.
Any Yankee Candle recommendations?

there's a dark blue one, i think it's called Evening Air. it's gorgeous. or the Honeysuckle. Or the fresh laundry.

I love them , but i find the wax cakes (you burn them in an oil burner) have a stronger smell than the actual candles.

The Lilies are a good idea too. Just be careful with the pollen as it stains.
If I were only half the person my mother-in-law is, I'd be a great person indeed! She's made of good stuff - I'm very lucky on that front.

Thanks everybody for helping with suggestions. They were excellent.